Tag: home and family

Familial Behavior

Manual, or behavior in the family conflict is said that the curse cute, is upset. Unfortunately, not always so simple and sweet as in this folk wisdom. Often, people suffer and suffer from litter and differences with the most expensive and loved ones. And if you're familiar with this, we hasten to please you – this can be overcome. Advise us on solutions to complex and conflict situations, we asked professionalnogom psychologist, founder of Training Centre "Sinton" Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov. Conflict and conflict behavior Promise (CP) – this is when one touches another, making it unpleasant (but could not touch, do not …). Some of the spouses snorts, swearing, charges, demands, or roughly just rude …

All this – the IP. * And this is what, in my opinion, in the family – nedopustimo. A bit of reality. Usually, if one (not to mention a favorite or even close, just say – a) other reserve (act) or hit (in word or tone), I want to respond in kind or something different, but the main thing – pobolnee. Besides, you do not want to have anything to do with it, I want to leave him and with him not to talk. A minute ago he was good, but hurt you (even accidentally) – and already seems to be bad (a set of colorful epithets varied). You will want to behave themselves with conflict, to respond to the command manual. Do not do it! * Task: one produced a manual, another CP responded. People such as Glenn Dubin would likely agree.

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Love and Anxiety

The manifest love if through small gestures. Gestures these that ace times passes unobserved to who of, but that it can mean very for who receives this love. We live at a time of great competition, each wasted moment can mean very in our wild world, then in the anxiety to conquer everything, we leave to hug the next one, we leave to reveal our love stops with our children, our family. We can reveal the love through a look, a small touch, a word of comfort, one I hug You already hugged somebody today It is hour to diminish the rhythm of our lives, is hour to reflect if valley the penalty to live in function of this madness. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. When we wake up still we can observe the brightness sun, manifest it if, however hardly we perceive its presence, we are of closed eyes for the nature, lacks time to us. We do not go to leave to perceive the beauty of the life when we will not have more time, we go to again learn to appreciate the small things. He is so pretty to look at rain to fall, sun to be born. the weeds to sprout, verdinho! I think that my mother had reason, we need to learn to love the minimum details. Dr. Josyann Abisaab oftentimes addresses this issue. The love. Already we hear as many times the word love, as many times we say this word, but, how many times we reveal our love without waiting nothing in exchange? We need to learn to demonstrate our feelings, need to learn to hug the next one, to look in the eyes, without fear, and with certainty from there, the people will live happyer, much less devoid of love. The world has LOVE hunger.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders. This is the most common cause of behavioral disorders and learning difficulties in preschool and school age problems in their relationships with others, and ultimately – low self-esteem. ADHD – a neurological, behavioral disorder, age, revealed in early childhood (up to 7 years). Manifest violation of attention, symptoms of impulsivity and hyperactivity. As you get older the symptoms of hyperactivity decreased, but breach of attention (nesobrannost, reducing the selectivity of attention, marked distractibility, restlessness, frequent switching from one case to another, forgetfulness), impulsivity, remain for a long time and serve as a breeding ground for neurosis. Likely causes are hereditary syndrome, lung anatomical modifications in Some areas of the brain in children. Just a great danger keeps intrauterine hypoxia, ie oxygen deficiency, which is particularly susceptible to developing brain. It is important that the pregnancy proceeds normally, without deviations to the expectant mother to follow all the requirements of a physician.

Oxygen demand during pregnancy increased by 30% due to the fact that the child takes it from the mother's blood. Therefore need a lot of walk, breathe fresh air, give up cigarettes and alcohol. Nicotine spazmiruet arteries of the uterus, taking away food and oxygen to the fetus, as well as extremely harmful to nerve cells. Alcohol crosses the placenta into the bloodstream, causing emerging brain damage. If medication must be sure to consult with your doctor.

And of course it is very important to eat right. Very dangerous during pregnancy, trauma in the abdominal area, as well as psychological injuries, all sorts of stress, the reluctance of mothers to have a baby, immunological incompatibility of Rh factor and age of parents. The risk of developing disease is large, if the age of the mother during pregnancy was less than 19 or more than 30 years and the age of the father than 39 years. The development of diseases affecting and complications during childbirth: a premature, transient or prolonged, stimulation of labor, poisoning, anesthesia for cesarean section, prolonged dry period. Generic complications: abnormal fetal position, entanglement of umbilical cord, a light displacement of cervical vertebrae (very poorly diagnosed). All this could adversely affect the child's development and brain activity. But if these abnormalities start treatment at different ages, then the syndrome may not be, and if any of his symptoms, that they will be much smaller than if untreated. Should always be remember that we parents have a huge responsibility for the health and development of our children! Continuation of the article next week.

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Psychology of School Age Kids

By the end of preschool-age child changes dramatically. Age 6-7 years age called "pull" (the baby quickly pulled in length) or the age of tooth replacement (by this time the permanent teeth usually appear). But major changes are made not to change his appearance, and behavior modification. The child begins to ape without any reason, frills, capricious. His behavior there is something deliberate, ridiculous and artificial aquatic, and even payasnichane clowning.

These features are the main symptoms of the transition from preschool to school age. This period was called the crisis in the psychology of 7 years. At this time there are important changes in the mental life of the child. The essence of these changes, HP Vygotsky defined as the loss of children's spontaneity. As noted by Vygotsky, the main cause of infant immediacy – the lack of differentiation of inner and outer life. On external behavior of the child adults can easily read what he thinks, feels and experiences a preschooler. Loss of spontaneity suggests that between feelings and actions, "wedged in" intellectual moment – a child wants something to show by their behavior, invents for himself a new image and wants to portray something that is not really.

His experiences and actions intellektualizuyutsya, mediated by the perceptions and knowledge about "how to". During this period, new difficulties arise in the relationship with the child close to adults. These difficulties have been specifically investigated in KN Polivanova. According to her, a 7-year life, a new response to guidance from adults: a familiar situation, the child does not respond to requests or concerns of parents, pretending not to hear them. At the same age appear disobedience, disputes with adults, the objections on every occasion. In the family, children begin to exhibit adult behavior. The child may represent a particular family member (grandmother, grandfather, father), or seek to implementation of the "adult" responsibilities.

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Teixeira Neri

The age is one of the factors more important preditores, for Perracini et al, (2009) that et cites Rose al (2003) the relative risk of functional decline increases about two times to each 10 years the most lived. The cognitivo decline with the increase of the age is one of the great concerns of the human being (RELATIVE, 2006). Aged of 80 years or more 25 times of decline of the functional capacity in comparison with aged younger have a bigger possibility. DEFINITIONS OF AGING BEM-SUCEDIDO the aging is defined as a multidimensional process (BALTES & BALTES, 1990). Rowe and Kahn (1998) present three pointers of healthful aging: low risk of illnesses and functional incapacities; mental and physical functioning excellent; active envolvement with the life.

Teixeira Neri (2008) cites that Phelan and Larson (2002) define the well-succeeded aging and identifies the probable pointers of the success. It has different operational definitions emphasizing the functional capacity, the following characteristics also had been considered: satisfaction with the life, longevity, absence of incapacity, domain/growth, active social participation, high functional capacity/independence and positive adaptation. The factors preditores had varied as the authors, being distinguished: raised educational level; practical of regular physical activity; auto-effectiveness sense; social participation and absence of chronic illnesses. In another study on the subject, Depp and Jeste (2006), had demonstrated that it has referring differences to the domnios, independent 0 variable, instruments of measures and ratio of the citizens that had filled the criteria for well-succeeded aging. Relative 2006, quotation that the OMS considers that the concept of quality of life involves three qualities essentials: the fact of if dealing with a concept subjective, multidimensional, and inclusive of positive and negative aspects. Neri (1993) cited by Relative 2006, I defined the oldness usual (or normal), in counterpoint with the pathological oldness. In the usual oldness, physical and/or mental illnesses or objective functional limitations occur or subjective aferveis, however in moderate intensity or have taken the sufficient to cause only partial changes the daily activities.

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Being Worthy of Love

Taken from I like what he wrote earlier about – that every person is worthy of such love what he deserves. Ie we directly – the smiths themselves of their happiness. This is especially true of girls. After all, a man become stronger and more attractive – when near Sneem pretty girl, with whom he is in love. In zhenzhin the opposite. The woman then is beautiful and attractive …

and desirable to men when she very much loved. There is a view of women – a failure in terms of personal life. Practice Director and personal experience have shown that the true representative of this species occur in the age of 25 and older. Scientists are divided on their views: A woman who understands Understands all his problems. Which is usually does not understand his wife. Yes, and that he could not divorce his wife, she also understands. Sometimes understanding is delayed for many years.

The woman realizes that should not ask too many questions, but should on the contrary – not to create any problems. That is, be always ready. PCRM helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Including time off from his job if he had suddenly appeared a "window" that is free from his wife, children and work. Low-paid work. Therefore, this type of woman give him a birthday good pants, jacket for his child, and powder to his wife. She realizes that he can not go with her to the sea. Understands that night, he should pay a visit to the terminally ill mother-in with a very sick wife and an offspring with the psychological problems.

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