Month: August 2018

Perfect Weekend

Fernando Alonso winning of the Grand Prix of Italy at Monza, starting from pole position and fastest lap in race implies that for him it was a perfect weekend, just as for Ferrari by placing their two drivers on the podium, with Felipe Massa achieving third position.Jenson Button who managed to position itself in the first place at the first corner, maintained his position for more than half of the race, but work in the pits of the Ferrari team was key factor in which Fernando Alonso recover first, leaving Jenson Button with the second position. Bad day for Lewis Hamilton who left the right suspension of his McLaren damaged causing the abandonment after contact with Felipe Massa at the start of the race. At first, Button had a good start which allowed the McLaren position alongside Alonso despite pressure from the Spanish champion of 2009 was forced to go inside, staying at the front in the first curve, before receiving a blow of lesser importance of the Ferrari on the curve 2. Moments later, the two Ferraris were about to play it with Hamilton who left the fifth rack position and get the most out of the poor Mark Webber start attacking Massa at the Roggia Chicane. However, he had to retire to beat Massa’s Ferrari to damaging his front right wheel and the McLaren of the Stevenage came in the first Lesmo curve, which meant the end of the afternoon of Hamilton and ended his leadership of the championship lead.

Then I went back to the paddock with the helmet on, more later English admitted the error. Button went into the box of McLaren on lap 36 of 53, Alonso was able to give two consecutive fastest laps and therefore after his two laps later pit stop was returning to track ahead of English. Meanwhile, three fastest laps reduced the margin though brief leader Massa, who was unable to compensate for his position after his stop. A smart strategy allowed Vettel kept on the sidelines in a game of soft boxes into compound tires in the penultimate round, helped by a combination of its rhythm over the struggle of those who are behind, the German was reincorporated and ended in fourth place on the last lap, Nico Rosberg completed the top five for Mercedes ahead of Webber team. Finishing places Fernando Alonso Jenson Button Felipe Massa Sebastian Vettel Nico Rosberg Mark Webber Nico Hulkenberg Robert Kubica Michael Schumacher Rubens Barrichello Sebastien Buemi Vitantonio Liuzzi Vitaly Petrov Pedro of the Rosa Jaime Alguersuari Adrian subtle Timo Glock Heikki Kovalainen Sakon Yamamoto Lucas di Grassi Jarno Trulli Bruno Senna Lewis Hamilton Kamui Kobayashi Autor original and source of the article

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Mora Vanegas

Carlos Mora Vanegas the postgraduate of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of the Area of postgraduate course of Faces, of the University of Carabobo, is fully identified in the importance that SMEs are more identified with the commitment to develop, give way to an organizational culture modern according to the needs of the current scenario requirements and in where you are referred to the role of considering the scope and impact of the Total quality makes emphasis on your program of study, that the participants, future specialists in quality and productivity, den step to that SMEs are incorporated into the national and international stage with competitive advantages that derive have been instituted within the organizational culture the role of quality and productivity in its scope and guarantee a successful participation of SMEswhere its culture of quality provide benefits and give guarantee of a good participation in the markets goals. Within the imparted knowledge, for example in the course of organizational behavior, it is emphasized, that the impact, is considered importance that generates the fact that organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs and behaviors that are consolidated and shared in the journal went on the company. Management leadership style, standards, procedures, the media that use, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the people that make up the Organization, configure the set of elements that comprise a company’s culture. Makes emphasis in which the human resource that integrates the company is fully identified with what they represent their roles, functions, goals, objectives of the company, backed a creative leadership strategist, innovator that step to a culture that benefits all. Stresses to the participant, who in addition to being fully identified in his role as leader, change agent, properly handle the system behavior, rituals and shared intentions that is typical of the staff of a company and which distinguish the group or the Organization of other similar entities.

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Maybe they are reluctant to change until people of which depend on will accept it and incorporated it into their behavior. In addition, it is suggested that people tend to blame the resistance to change in the workplace of individual personalities. Although the personality may be a factor, rarely represents the most important dynamics of the situation. Habits: unless a situation changes drastically, perhaps people continue responding to stimuli in their usual ways. A habit becomes a source of satisfaction for people because they can conform to the world and deal with it, offers comfort and security. It becomes a main source of resistance to change depends on whether people perceive advantages in changing it. You can that you threats to the power and influence: some people’s organizations consider change as a threat to their power or influence. Once established a position of power people or groups often resist changes that perceive they reduce their power and influence.

Fear of the unknown: faced with strangers makes you the much of people are angustien, each significant change in a work situation brings with it an element of uncertainty. In certain situations the uncertainty not comes just by the possible change itself, but also by the possible consequences of this. To avoid the fear of the unknown and difficult decision-making, some employees will reject promotions that require relocation or major changes in the duties and responsibilities of employment. Economic reasons: it is logical that individuals who resist changes that might reduce their earnings. Changes in work routines established or tasks threaten economic security.

Employees fear that, after applied the changes, do not play so well and will not be as valuable to the Organization, the supervisors or co-workers. A good attentive to changes management should know how this leads to positive achievements if it is known him handle, if you really are has recorded with your human resource, knows the weaknesses, strengths of this and How to seize the opportunities that arise. It must be fully identified as it has been organizational behavior when changes, have generated when it has confronted them. You must therefore, be clear in the effect, behavior of organizational culture, as the company has handled the changes, the need to develop new behaviours, values and attitudes through changes in organizational processes, i.e. adapted to the company before the reality of the operation in the current scenarios and structures. Should management determine the extent impact of her empathy to changes, in order to foster acceptance, staff engagement in everything that you want to change. From there, let it be said, that when employees feel that those who manage the change are attentive to their concerns, then, will they be willing to collaborate, offer support, participate, and thus face overcoming any barriers that may arise for change,.

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The history of using mushrooms began during Paleolithic times. Few – even anthropologists – to understand what impact had the mushrooms on the evolution of mankind. Fungi play a central role in the cultures of ancient Greece, India and Mesoamerica. Because of its enchanting nature, fungi have always evoked deep emotional responses: from adulation by those who understand them, to fear from those who do not understand. Fear of mushroom poisoning exists in every culture, sometimes reaching forms of phobia. The term 'mikofobiya' defines the fear and loathing of people and cultures in relation to fungi.

Examples of such crops are English and Irish. In contrast to mikofobnym, there mikofilichnye culture. They are located in Asia and Eastern Europe, these include Polish, Russian and Italian peoples. They have extensive experience in the use of mushrooms, more than a hundred names to describe their favorite species of fungi. Evidence of a very significant role of fungi in the mythology and – increasingly – in the culture should be considered as the emergence of a special science etnomikologii. Work of an American scientist, RG Wasson and his successors allow to reveal the value of fungi in many cultural and historical traditions. In particular, mushrooms often appear as a classifier, with which well-formed opposition such as "profane – sacred," "Female – Male", "water – the fire", etc. Continuing in the tradition of grassroots fluctuations against fungi belonging to the plant or animal life explain a number of mythological motifs associated with the metamorphosis of the mushroom (The origin of fungi from the stone, turning people into mushrooms, etc.).

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Archimedes Photos

Add this to your profile so all photos so when you look at these photos woman immediately aware that you are a non-standard and loving life from which man is not hard to get dating for the night! Just do not try to add to your account for hundreds of photos. Enough and two dozen photos! But, at some photos you at the disco, in the other with the whole company to drive a catamaran in the Bahamas, and more! According to statistics, most women women simply do not pay attention to what the guys stuffed into their account! But, despite this information, fill out your form carefully! Here everything works the same rule. Try not necessarily the same on the gray crowd. Explore other male profiles and Do nikogdNe by their example! Fill in all available and are not intended for this place! This practice will allow you to increase the efficiency of your page is about 20%! How do I invite a woman to a bar? Profile created after that there are two versions of events. 1) You sit and wait for the lady you otpishet. 2) You do not update every minute statistics and diligently sends messages lovely young ladies, and they admire your profile is ready for everything! More useful likely to use both ways at once. To beautiful girls do you write, pick up your personal page in the Top 30! This service is small, only $ 1 – $ 5 price depend on deyting portal. And of course, write their own women! Just do not write "Hey! "" You're cute, "" How's tricks.

" Beauty of these "writers" strike out for a moment. Rodi anything even slightly unusual! For example, what is the spirit of "Bet on a daisy that you can not guess with three Just like your name! ". Then, 5 – 13 'creatives', but no letter more, take the pliers her phone, dial the phone number of the coveted and talk to the girl, plus or minus 25 minutes – 30 (this is essentially due to the fact that some young men as a rule enough for about 3 words). This phone conversation, ideally, should be in some way express a date! Cheerful woman, show all your speaking talents! The main problem is to fascinate, or at least intrigue beautiful! After you talk, immediately invited her to a date! Well, then put on Archimedes' principle quality evening 'with the continuation of'! ps I hope that this material is useful to you! In theme, the creator of the text has a resource site with reviews of private acquaintances. I suggest you study the materials. These easy steps will help you accurately select a portal in which you want to meet you!

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