Month: November 2017

Eat Espresso – From The Bean To The Cup

What you should know about espresso-a summary of espresso. The invention of the first espresso machine over the roasting of the beans and right mix beans varieties different of to the perfect and aromatic cup of espresso. History was published at the beginning of the 20th century the first, early version of an espresso machine. An Italian named area had designed and 1903 registered the patent to do so. Bazzeras poorly ran businesses, he sold the patent to Pavoni, who brought the first espresso machine on the market in 1905 together with his partner Vittoria Arduino. The machine worked with pressure to squeeze water through the feingemahlenen coffee and voila, the espresso as we know it today was born. in 1961, the first pumps were operated espresso machine on the market.

The same technology which provides us today with our beloved espresso. There are still people who make their espresso using a piston engine. To BREW the coffee bean to the perfect espresso, the beans need to highest Quality standards are meet. It Arabica should always be beans, because the Arabica roast, and because all species of coffee agree, best quality and the best taste. To a better froth to companies, modern Barista about mix 10% robusta beans with the Arabica blend. The result of this blend is a better froth and although the robusta beans of inferior quality, scoring this mixing a finer coffee taste. There himself but taste not argue about that one should not to take literally the aforementioned 10% and experiment yourself with different beans and mixing ratios. The beans should be as fresh as possible.

Dark roasted to secure a strong flavour. Should BREW in order to really aromatic espresso, the beans just before the ground will, however, you should use no inferior mills with stainless steel blades but only espresso coffee grinders with real grinder. The compact Golden foam on top of the espresso Crema is the Crema and with the main components of the espresso. Unfortunately it happens sometimes even in expensive cafes, that you get served an espresso with little or even no Crema is undignified! You can recognize a bad espresso following properties: bitter taste thin consistency thin until no Crema on the other side is a beautiful Crema of course no guarantee of a good espresso. Really miserable coffee can hide under the perfect Crema. The taste of fur a real coffee lover there is nothing better than a well-made cup of coffee, no matter what kind. If the beans are fresh, if pressure and temperature are correct, if the cream as a thick cover on the black drink perches and rising aroma makes his way to the nose, then nothing more in the way is the taste. The right espresso machine now, there are a variety of manufacturers and depending on the budget and own preference, so that the choice between coffee and printing machines is meant, it is quite simply a good Espresso machine to find. Only really important Tip: use only brand devices. Although applies the Delonghi or also the Gaggia espresso machine to your Favorites, it must not necessarily be an Italian. Also, Krups, Bosch, Philips and other manufacturers are the Italians in punktu espresso quality in anything. Learn more about the beloved espresso, as well as daily services there are on the Web pages of espresso machines test see: author: Martin t. Gruber

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I WANT TO CURE MYSELF. TO CURE IS TO RECOMMENCE NORM AP SILVEIRA OF MORAES /PSIC LOGA/POETESS, WRITER. ; 11/02/11 R+C/Alone the time pass turn. quickly But for my mind I do not find temporality I do not see it to pass, I lose the validity But the time is precious and passes relatively. I do not obtain to find itself: my identity In the streets I run away from all passer-bys, with fear I have same fear of me of what I am, of truth Because to certain they transtornam me remedies and I do not believe myself I do not obtain to communicate itself directly with My voice if it became weak and intelligible Nobody obtains to know what I really want I am quiet in my room invisible space In the room I can sail in the imagination To leave my ghosts to confrot with me In my indifferent illness without action I do not know you are welcome, does not know of the time, I forget until the friend Every day I make examinations, and volume a mount remedies I wait anxious, to the laboratorial result I do not support more to see remedies and diet I have mourning, tdio Prefiro to sleep, until the time to pass e, the gone ones to hospital I am thinking about the pain of the other patients In its pains, hidden tears, to suffer, to weigh, the health does not have price, nor hours for accidents I ask for the God of my heart, ask for haste to cure I think about the aged ones and children, interned, in the defenseless victims the suffering still is worse for the faith lack, patience of many professionals Only the faith and hope is as angels in the defense and those true professionals in its ideals Illness, leave in them fragile and in we feel them failed the death patrol, and ace times comes, is the fear of the finitude Our universe of life he is in a fragility and profligate Only the faith, and hope moves the heart with attitude Has illness has suddenly to pass As the clouds bringing storm rain, falls irrigation the land ties to pass and the sun of the health comes back full of Majesty *************************************************************** OBS: That this poem can give one little of hope to that they are sick. .

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Magna Greece

Origins of the philosophy In century VII B.C. the jnicas colonies of Lesser Asia, although pursued for the Persian empire, live a great economic, social and cultural development. The commerce with other regions of the civilized world of the time (Babilnia, Egypt, Greece and Magna Greece and Fencia) allows a flow of products never before seen. Merchants of all the races and saying sets of ten of languages circulate for the roads, binding the cities, ships of all the nationalities arrive at the ports. New ideas, new techniques and new religions daily are brought the cities of the Jnia, having increased the knowledge of its inhabitants on other cultures and teaching them to relativize it the proper certezas.

The instructed, generally on classroom to the commerce to the cultural politics and activities, develops a critical sense and a spirit of healthful skepticism, characteristic of cosmopolitas cultures. The traditional religion Greek already does not present plus a reply for that society, front all to that cultural multiplicity, and, together with the introduction of new sciences as the mathematics, geometry and astronomy, the instructed classroom, start to analyze the universe under another optics, substituting the mythical stories for the rational thought. Some authors call this fact ‘ ‘ the miracle of the thought grego’ ‘: for the first time in history occidental person, the man starts to analyze the universe, its functioning and its origin, from rational data, based in analysis and in the thought, without any resource to the religious tradition. 4.A philosophy if develops the old jnica school the first philosopher was Tales de Mileto, that lived in the understood period enters the end of century VII and middle of century VI B.C. Tales probably did not leave written workmanship, and everything that if knows of its transmitted thought foiz us through the indirect verbal tradition. Beyond thinker, Tales also was scientist and detached politician, belonging, possibly, the most supplied families of Mileto.

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Surfing In Fuerteventura With Sporthostel – The Slightly Different Surf School

What distinguishes the Sporthostel surf school from other surf schools which is matter, which we always again very intensively dealing with since the following: “What distinguishes Sporthostel from other surf camps?” It is definitely the number of guests. We try to make our camp very small and family. In a course people, a surf instructors are with maximum 5-6. If different levels there are, we teach with 2 surf instructors. Intensive care arises and it is possible on each student individually to enter.

We want no mass processing, but the specifics at the and provide around surfing. Our guests to spend a perfect day at surfing the focus is. We teach only with licensed surf instructors, who are all lifeguards. There are modern teaching methods in the foreground. A useful concept in theory and practice components makes it easier for our guests quickly to understand the interrelationships and to implement directly on the water.

We set great value Safety and fun, both in the water and on land. To offer very good material is certainly a statement that has nearly every Surf camp as a target. We have boards and wet suits in very many different ways, that means that we can offer the right options for each level and for all wave and weather conditions. Our camp is located in direct proximity to the sea. When the right wind direction, you can hear the ocean the wake up. The super long sandy beach invites in addition to surfing to long walks and romantic sunsets. Campfires are also possible. Just feel the proximity of the sea, that you can here at its finest. Personality and personal care are another key component of our thinking and actions. We want to make no impersonal atmosphere, but dear togetherness in the foreground. We live with our guests and to each of the facets of / the other benefit. The range of possibilities is not yet mature, However, this is already in the approach to detect. It is therefore a little an integrated area to see the surfing us and joining in with many other things. Since we started way surf on our homepage, to form a forum for artists in conjunction with surfing. We are in other areas but rather at the beginning, at the surf therapy, surf & seminar or surf & here are some concepts developed and implemented. Our surf Lounge as an information centre and meeting point is certainly a uniques range which is unique to us. A meeting point for all those who like want to surround yourself with surfing.

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Isola Madre

Then we are back in our apartment and have round off the evening with a bottle of red wine on this wonderful balcony. (all right, I’ll admit that also the large televisions turned on yet, it had all German TV programs). At the 2.Urlaubstag, we are with the car to Luino on the large weekly market.Luino is located in Italy and you need to ca 40 minutes there. The market is great and truly offers something for everyone. Also many typical great food you can buy and try by the way, also free. We have bought us Salamettis, mortadella, a large chunk of Parmesan cheese and fresh bread and us wanted to eat it all directly to a nice spot on the Lake! Herrlich! On the ride home, we are then randomly on a large Italian supermarket (called Billa) come over and could of course can’t resist.

Here, we could buy very well and also cheap.We wanted to go eat not necessarily every night, had we Yes also, because in the large supply of food it does not even time in the apartment to cook on. Here, everything in the kitchen was present to conjure goodies! On the 3rd day we (with the car) are after intra to go Islands from there by boat on the veranda. The ships depart from every major city from always in every 1-2 hours. It involves following 3 Islands: Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola Pescatore. Isola Madre has fallen by best, because here there is a beautifully landscaped, ancient garden, us you can go through for hours, Isola Bella also impressed us, there is an old castle here to visit and again lovely landscaped gardens and the Isola Pescatore is very pretty with many small winding streets and countless restaurants! Here have We ate then 2 large pizzas (what else!) and ordered a cold white wine to do so! What more you want? We spent the 4th day with swimming on the Lake.We have incidentally from our apartment within 15 minute walk to the Lake to run. There were also nice big bath towels and a cold pack in the Grfierschrank been forgotten. In the evening we went then in the restaurant Giardino Lago.

It was very good! The menu offers plenty of choice. It is a modern and simple cuisine. It was all erdeklichen variations of tapas (more Italian than Spanish touch), salads, daily specials and steaks, grilled in a special high-performance oven! Also from Ticino cheese and sausage e.t.c. was on the map. The top was the food and also the evening! The restaurant is located directly on the Lake and has a roof lounge where you can sit to enjoy the sunset then! Beautiful and very picturesque! Michael Schmid

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