By the end of preschool-age child changes dramatically. Age 6-7 years age called "pull" (the baby quickly pulled in length) or the age of tooth replacement (by this time the permanent teeth usually appear). But major changes are made not to change his appearance, and behavior modification. The child begins to ape without any reason, frills, capricious. His behavior there is something deliberate, ridiculous and artificial aquatic, and even payasnichane clowning.

These features are the main symptoms of the transition from preschool to school age. This period was called the crisis in the psychology of 7 years. At this time there are important changes in the mental life of the child. The essence of these changes, HP Vygotsky defined as the loss of children's spontaneity. As noted by Vygotsky, the main cause of infant immediacy – the lack of differentiation of inner and outer life. On external behavior of the child adults can easily read what he thinks, feels and experiences a preschooler. Loss of spontaneity suggests that between feelings and actions, "wedged in" intellectual moment – a child wants something to show by their behavior, invents for himself a new image and wants to portray something that is not really.

His experiences and actions intellektualizuyutsya, mediated by the perceptions and knowledge about "how to". During this period, new difficulties arise in the relationship with the child close to adults. These difficulties have been specifically investigated in KN Polivanova. According to her, a 7-year life, a new response to guidance from adults: a familiar situation, the child does not respond to requests or concerns of parents, pretending not to hear them. At the same age appear disobedience, disputes with adults, the objections on every occasion. In the family, children begin to exhibit adult behavior. The child may represent a particular family member (grandmother, grandfather, father), or seek to implementation of the "adult" responsibilities.