The age is one of the factors more important preditores, for Perracini et al, (2009) that et cites Rose al (2003) the relative risk of functional decline increases about two times to each 10 years the most lived. The cognitivo decline with the increase of the age is one of the great concerns of the human being (RELATIVE, 2006). Aged of 80 years or more 25 times of decline of the functional capacity in comparison with aged younger have a bigger possibility. DEFINITIONS OF AGING BEM-SUCEDIDO the aging is defined as a multidimensional process (BALTES & BALTES, 1990). Rowe and Kahn (1998) present three pointers of healthful aging: low risk of illnesses and functional incapacities; mental and physical functioning excellent; active envolvement with the life.

Teixeira Neri (2008) cites that Phelan and Larson (2002) define the well-succeeded aging and identifies the probable pointers of the success. It has different operational definitions emphasizing the functional capacity, the following characteristics also had been considered: satisfaction with the life, longevity, absence of incapacity, domain/growth, active social participation, high functional capacity/independence and positive adaptation. The factors preditores had varied as the authors, being distinguished: raised educational level; practical of regular physical activity; auto-effectiveness sense; social participation and absence of chronic illnesses. In another study on the subject, Depp and Jeste (2006), had demonstrated that it has referring differences to the domnios, independent 0 variable, instruments of measures and ratio of the citizens that had filled the criteria for well-succeeded aging. Relative 2006, quotation that the OMS considers that the concept of quality of life involves three qualities essentials: the fact of if dealing with a concept subjective, multidimensional, and inclusive of positive and negative aspects. Neri (1993) cited by Relative 2006, I defined the oldness usual (or normal), in counterpoint with the pathological oldness. In the usual oldness, physical and/or mental illnesses or objective functional limitations occur or subjective aferveis, however in moderate intensity or have taken the sufficient to cause only partial changes the daily activities.