Tag: health and beauty

The Health

They must be attempted against to the use of salicilatos when confirmed the infection for minors of 18 years, had the risk of development of the Syndrome of the Reye, hepticos and cerebral riots, what it can be fatal (BRAZIL, 2009). According to Brazil (2009), in the treatment of the infection human being for the virus of influenza A (H1N1), is used the Oseltamavir medicine (Tamiflu) in the fit cases as suspicion, probable or confirmed with equal or superior age to one year. The administration of the medicine is recommended in up to 48 hours after the beginning of the symptoms, being contraindicated its use for prophylactic ends. The verbal absorption of the Oseltamavir can be reduced in patients with serious gastrintestinais symptoms and that they vomit after its ingesta constantly, and in the occurrence of adverse effect the ANVISA must be informed (national Agency of Sanitary monitoring). The Health department does not recommend to the use of the Oseltamivir for all the population because the inadequate use of the product can lead to the resistance of the virus to the medicine. Moreover, the use without unnecessary control and of Oseltamivir can lead to the desabastecimento, what the population would bring damages to all, beyond the risk of adverse reaction. Therefore, the measure adopted for the Brazilian government has the objective to prevent that the virus of the new grippe creates resistance to the only available treatment in the world. Moreover, the rational use of the Oseltamivir in the treatment of influenza A (H1N1) is a recommendation of the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) to prevent greaters risks to the public health. The use of the Oseltamivir for all is indicated the people who to present Sndrome Respiratria Aguda Grave (SRAG): person in any age with sudden fever above of 38, cough and difficulty to breathe (dispnia) or with other symptoms, as pains in the body and the joints.

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Swimming Lessons For Kids

Parents place its children to start to practise swimming, with the intention that they already leave swimming since the first lesson, however, the professor must consider for the dependents of the child who do not pressure them, so that they swim learn it. The professor must make with that the lessons are for the child a glad activity, pleasant and amused, this study comes to approach as he is being taught in the swimming lessons, that methodology the professor must use in elapsing of the same ones, and as the child reacts to this procedure of education aprendizagem.2.Natao and LudicidadeA swimming is a way that the man developed to put into motion itself inside of the water, in some regions of the world the children learn to walk and to swim at the same time, they start playing and with passing of the time they go if perfecting in the nados ones. (JACKSON, 1957). Swimming today is considered one of the sports that more backwards benefits the health of the children, but also in all the other etrias bands, therefore not only assists it in the prevention of cardiorrespiratrias illnesses, posturais problems among others, however, taught in a playful environment the child with the etria band of three six years mainly, is stimulated since the beginning of the swimming lessons, since the carried through activities of playful form are more pleasant for it without speaking in its benefits that are offered as: the development of the coordination and rhythm that are known as general motor development, the creativity of the child is expanded by means of the imagination, the cognitivo, affective and social aspect if it becomes more visible, mainly in the aspect affective and social, therefore the child is more become attached to the professor and obtains to quickly make friendships with its colleagues of group, then ahead of this fact the ludicidade is something that becomes the practical amused esportiva where the simple ones to play can consider one lives deeply and as said above the child it has an affectivity moment and sociabilizao for the interaction that will be made with other children will go to provide diverse feelings, beyond these tricks to be reaching the professor ahead the phases of learning of the pupils.

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Shoulder Injuries

The syndrome of the impact in the shoulder, represents one me the adaptation to estresses repetitive of one or more activities. This me the adaptation can be structural, functional, or both. Any bone, joint, dynamic neuromusculotendinosa unit, that acts in the waist to escapular or, exactly, the static fibrocartilaginosos stabilizers to articulate, can be implied. Although problems ' ' isolados' ' , as the tendinopatia of the rotador manguito, can occur, is very common that some functional structures and mechanisms are involved, as, bursa subacromial and the tendo of the long portion of the biceps. ' ' tpica' ' injury for extreme use of the shoulder, is, therefore, a composition of some alterations, also with one or more structural injuries, muscular disfunes and imperfections in compensatory mechanisms, each one of which implying in the other. On the basis of the evidence, does not exist an only mechanism of injury for impact, but yes an ample variety of specific factors for the morphologic characteristics and the load history to articulate of each individual.

The patologias of impact, are fit in two ample categories based on the age. The impact in people with less than 35 years of age, is mentioned, habitually, to the sports (former. swimming, handebol, aquatic polar region, baseball, goleiro) or to the occupations (former. carpenter, painter), that they involve extensive movements above of the head. The individuals most aged have greater probability to suffer the effect from the degenerative processes, that result in the formation of ostefitos, adelgaamento to capsular, minor muscular tecidual and hipotrofia perfuso.

All sport that requests the abduo of the shoulder above of 90, results, in the majority of the cases, injury to acrmio-clavicular for repetition. The fall on the shoulder in the soil, the direct trauma, mainly, in the lateral region, also is causes of this injury in the sport. The impact, and the consequent attrition and degeneration of the manguito occur against the edge Antero-inferior of the acrmio during the previous rise of the superior member.

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Foucault Relations

The idea to reject the hypothesis repressive of the power, for Foucault, fortifies the positividade and productivity in the concept of being able. What it infers is the supposed relations between the sexuality and the mechanics of the power, where the theories of the power are substituted by the analysis, having given an analytical character of the relations and the conceptions of being able, inside and outside of its investigations, breaking the doubts and inferences how much to the relations of the sexuality in the process of being able, denying the relation. The power is an used basic instrument for the development of managemental activities and administrative, it is about an indispensable ally for the coordination and orientation of citizens. as a source, but as a related topic. Based in the point of view of Social Sciences, the power is in the agent capable to carry through definitive action on an object, being gotten a desired effect which was produced on the citizen. He is something that not simply if conquest, but if is acquired in accordance with determined necessity and/or circumstance.

Thus being, this inconstncia of acquisition of being able, the origin to its relations, between the agent who cause/commands on the agent whom it executes/receives. Independent of its nature, the power can be present in any instance, either it in the Society, Nation, State or Government. Part of the idea of that the same it appears of the interest of the individual in getting what moment is desired in that data, independent of its force and forms, the power is commanded and consequently executed, what it affirms Bertrand Russel cited for Camargo (1979, P. 66) ' ' the power is the capacity to produce the effect desejados' '. The nature human being here is deduced of ' ' nature of coisas' ' , such which is observed in the facts of the past and the gift.

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Jose Miranda

Histories are perennial, however changeable of energy. Perpetual, but not static. They bring or they leave to see the moment of count who them, but for that they only know to listen to with the heart the heart of who account. Who tells can say a thing and who listening can receive another one, each one has its energy and feeling to give and to receive. Histories confess what the eyes of the soul capsize and had felt of more important and marcante that being that lived such fact.

They are only individual, never lives the same thing two times, nor equal to nobody. For equal than it can seem, never will be. only is in the essence and the narrative. Today they can be counted of a form and tomorrow of another one, but they will continue same histories. The feelings they change and the way to also feel proper histories. When she is child, the innocence can make to see lesser or bigger histories of what they are.

But to the measure that if grows the weights on the lived facts can move, and same histories to start to be counted of another form. Not for being different, but why it is felt different. The pain of yesterday, can more not ache today, what it makes today happy can more not make tomorrow. thus the life goes living and counting its histories mounted to its long one with the narrative of the moment of the story. What it is counted today alone belongs to today, therefore today is today and never it will be yesterday or tomorrow. Of morning the alone one will be if tomorrow disclosing and of yesterday already was and more it will not come back.

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