They must be attempted against to the use of salicilatos when confirmed the infection for minors of 18 years, had the risk of development of the Syndrome of the Reye, hepticos and cerebral riots, what it can be fatal (BRAZIL, 2009). According to Brazil (2009), in the treatment of the infection human being for the virus of influenza A (H1N1), is used the Oseltamavir medicine (Tamiflu) in the fit cases as suspicion, probable or confirmed with equal or superior age to one year. The administration of the medicine is recommended in up to 48 hours after the beginning of the symptoms, being contraindicated its use for prophylactic ends. The verbal absorption of the Oseltamavir can be reduced in patients with serious gastrintestinais symptoms and that they vomit after its ingesta constantly, and in the occurrence of adverse effect the ANVISA must be informed (national Agency of Sanitary monitoring). The Health department does not recommend to the use of the Oseltamivir for all the population because the inadequate use of the product can lead to the resistance of the virus to the medicine. Moreover, the use without unnecessary control and of Oseltamivir can lead to the desabastecimento, what the population would bring damages to all, beyond the risk of adverse reaction. Therefore, the measure adopted for the Brazilian government has the objective to prevent that the virus of the new grippe creates resistance to the only available treatment in the world. Moreover, the rational use of the Oseltamivir in the treatment of influenza A (H1N1) is a recommendation of the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) to prevent greaters risks to the public health. The use of the Oseltamivir for all is indicated the people who to present Sndrome Respiratria Aguda Grave (SRAG): person in any age with sudden fever above of 38, cough and difficulty to breathe (dispnia) or with other symptoms, as pains in the body and the joints.