Parents place its children to start to practise swimming, with the intention that they already leave swimming since the first lesson, however, the professor must consider for the dependents of the child who do not pressure them, so that they swim learn it. The professor must make with that the lessons are for the child a glad activity, pleasant and amused, this study comes to approach as he is being taught in the swimming lessons, that methodology the professor must use in elapsing of the same ones, and as the child reacts to this procedure of education aprendizagem.2.Natao and LudicidadeA swimming is a way that the man developed to put into motion itself inside of the water, in some regions of the world the children learn to walk and to swim at the same time, they start playing and with passing of the time they go if perfecting in the nados ones. (JACKSON, 1957). Swimming today is considered one of the sports that more backwards benefits the health of the children, but also in all the other etrias bands, therefore not only assists it in the prevention of cardiorrespiratrias illnesses, posturais problems among others, however, taught in a playful environment the child with the etria band of three six years mainly, is stimulated since the beginning of the swimming lessons, since the carried through activities of playful form are more pleasant for it without speaking in its benefits that are offered as: the development of the coordination and rhythm that are known as general motor development, the creativity of the child is expanded by means of the imagination, the cognitivo, affective and social aspect if it becomes more visible, mainly in the aspect affective and social, therefore the child is more become attached to the professor and obtains to quickly make friendships with its colleagues of group, then ahead of this fact the ludicidade is something that becomes the practical amused esportiva where the simple ones to play can consider one lives deeply and as said above the child it has an affectivity moment and sociabilizao for the interaction that will be made with other children will go to provide diverse feelings, beyond these tricks to be reaching the professor ahead the phases of learning of the pupils.