The idea to reject the hypothesis repressive of the power, for Foucault, fortifies the positividade and productivity in the concept of being able. What it infers is the supposed relations between the sexuality and the mechanics of the power, where the theories of the power are substituted by the analysis, having given an analytical character of the relations and the conceptions of being able, inside and outside of its investigations, breaking the doubts and inferences how much to the relations of the sexuality in the process of being able, denying the relation. The power is an used basic instrument for the development of managemental activities and administrative, it is about an indispensable ally for the coordination and orientation of citizens. as a source, but as a related topic. Based in the point of view of Social Sciences, the power is in the agent capable to carry through definitive action on an object, being gotten a desired effect which was produced on the citizen. He is something that not simply if conquest, but if is acquired in accordance with determined necessity and/or circumstance.

Thus being, this inconstncia of acquisition of being able, the origin to its relations, between the agent who cause/commands on the agent whom it executes/receives. Independent of its nature, the power can be present in any instance, either it in the Society, Nation, State or Government. Part of the idea of that the same it appears of the interest of the individual in getting what moment is desired in that data, independent of its force and forms, the power is commanded and consequently executed, what it affirms Bertrand Russel cited for Camargo (1979, P. 66) ' ' the power is the capacity to produce the effect desejados' '. The nature human being here is deduced of ' ' nature of coisas' ' , such which is observed in the facts of the past and the gift.