Tag: medicine

Chinese Cordyceps

Chinese Cordyceps (Latin name Cordyceps chinensis), which botanists refer to a class of fungi, has a twofold properties: a portion of their life cycle it exists as a plant, the other – like an insect. This twofold being. Cordyceps grows in a very harsh environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau at low temperatures and lack of oxygen at an altitude of 2,000 to 4,000 m above sea level, on the sunny side of the mountain slopes, preferring loose, dry, humus-rich soil. On the existence of two forms of Cordyceps as plants and insects mentioned in the ancient Chinese book “A New Compilation of Pharmacology” (1757g.). The lack of oxygen in high mountains, low air temperature and its fluctuations, “harden” cordyceps and make it energy-intensive. Assurant Health can provide more clarity in the matter. Cordyceps carries two types of energy: yin and yang, so in China it is called “winter – insect – summer grass.” If the warm time of the year in the larva of a certain kind of butterflies (“Die Fledermaus”) penetrates the dispute Cordyceps, the spores germinate in the spring parasite of the respiratory openings on the head of a caterpillar. The growing fungus initially uses valuable nutrition of the larva, and then connecting to the root system growing near the Tibetan herbs and their uses valuable substances.

History of Cordyceps in China as a means of promoting health and preventing disease has more than 1,200 years. Over the past fifty years by scientists from Cordyceps were identified such components as adenosine, cordyceps polysaccharide, peptide compounds, essential amino acids (which can not produce the human body), vitamins and minerals. It is established that it can reduce the amount of lipids in the blood, prevent the emergence of atherosclerosis, stimulate blood formation, to regulate the immune system, slow the growth of malignant tumors, recover with exhaustion, prevent aging human tissues, with a strong antioxidant effect and not as effective as hormone. The drug is highly effective. People Cordyceps is often used as a flavoring in cooking fish, meat, chicken, duck, used the weakness of the body after the transfer of disease.

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Healing Properties Of Honey

A man like ambrosia taste of rye bread, mixed with honey. The healing quality pollen quality are significantly higher than normal pollen grains and pollen. Med.V history of every nation can find information about the therapeutic and prophylactic use of honey. In Egypt, 3500 years ago in the Book of the preparation of medicines for all parts of the (human) body, there are many recipes, which include honey. In ancient Chinese manuscript, "Description of plants and herbs fertility god" honey provided this description: "Honey heals internal organs, gives strength, reduces fever, long-term use increases it will, gives ease the body, retains his youth, extending the years of life." In the old Indian "book of life" says that extend human life can only elixirs and diet including honey and milk. Robert Greene pursues this goal as well. And in his book "The drink of immortality," there is evidence that honey is part of the most powerful firming body means.

Hindu honey used as an antidote to intoxication of any kind. On the high healing properties of honey in his writings, wrote the ancient philosophers and physicians of Rome and Greece (Pythagoras, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Homer, Galen). The philosopher Democritus believed that honey has anti-aging properties. In ancient Iran ("The canon of the Avesta"), a doctor recommended to use the means of animal origin: liver, gall and honey, wax. Dr. Neal Barnard follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Avicenna in his book "The Canon of Medicine" results in dozens of recipes, which included honey and wax, people older than 45 years, he recommended the systematic use of honey and walnuts. In the Middle Ages, honey is also widely used in medical therapy, to treat wounds. In the XII century the first Russian woman vrachevatelnitsa Evpraksinya, granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh, in his book "Alimma" (ointment) causes a variety of recipes, which include honey. Honey as a healing product has not lost its importance in later centuries, and even in our days.

It is widely used in folk medicine, it is absolutely recognized as official medicine throughout the world. Honey has earned fame universal energy product and the remarkable pharmacological means. It has tonic, tonic, antimicrobial, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties. more details can be found here

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Cancer Treatment

It is the case today with metastases that they can be effectively treated.For example, with metastases in the bones, appears quite common in cancer patients (40%). One of the successful ways to treat the tumor (metastasis in the bone) – a the latter. Also used as in primary tumors and secondary tumors and in malformations in the brain and spine. This procedure is performed by means of X-rays were sent right on target, destroying the cells DNA that feed the tumor. Over the years there have been many discoveries in this area, but the essence remains the same, directed radiation destroys malignant tumor.

often, the procedure is a one-time, in rare cases more, depending on the type, location and histology of cancer. Usually, this is a short procedure, culminating in a single day. Over the past 3 years research has shown that success in this area is 86% when the procedure was carried out as a minor, after surgery and 90% success rate when the procedure was the primary treatment after relapse in the spine. In addition, 84% of patients suffering from neurological problems, radio-surgery has affected them, positively strongly reducing pain and improving overall physical fitness. As you know, pain in the bones of metastasis is a common phenomenon, but because of the procedures radio-surgery in 86-96% (depending on histology), the pain decreased. From the above we can conclude that radiosurgery is an effective way of dealing with metastases in the spine and head.

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Womens Health

Women and children is an indicator of the health of society as a whole. It is no accident in the civilized countries women's health – is the subject of special concern of governments and the strong media attention and Internet. Educational programs have raised awareness of women in women's health, beginning with adolescence. Every woman in the U.S. or European country knows what is needed annual Pap test and mammography after age 40, and almost every gynecologist – a personal doctor. My friend young American in frank conversation admitted that after moving to another state it once a year, continues to fly to their doctor for routine inspection, because only trusted this doctor and do not want to look for another.

Because of this relation to women's health in the community cases of advanced malignancy of the reproductive system are uncommon. In Russia, the vast majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is completely preventable, it is found in an incurable stage, and the number of abortions is highest in the world. What's the matter? To clarify the relationship Russian Women for Women's Health Service website "VebGinekolog" conducted an independent survey of 209 women, which showed the following: Of all those surveyed only 56% visit a gynecologist regularly, and only a third of these, prophylaxis, while the rest – of necessity, ie, due to pregnancy or disease. 28% refer to a gynecologist at least once a year and only when needed, 18% do not attend at all. It turned out that most women (52%) experiencing negative emotions at the thought of a visit to a gynecologist: the fear to hear from them that something is wrong, and even shame and fear.

After the visit, a third of women remain unsatisfied with the results. On the question of the relation to These doctors, only 50% of participants rated it as polling friendly, respectful and interested, and only a tenth of that number said that experiencing pleasant feelings when communicating with your doctor. 35% rated relation to them a doctor, as indifferent, and 8% – as arrogant and degrading. Do not believe in the necessity of regular medical surveillance, and accordingly, are showing their ignorance in matters of health 17% women, while the rest belong to their health very responsibly, but only 47% fully trusted the doctor, while 36% believe the low qualified physician and to some of the recommendations are in disbelief. 89% want to better themselves situation with the service of women's health in the country can improve such government measures as improving the quality of education in medical schools and the development of a free public health care system, 22% believe that women should increase their civic participation, to something better, 12% believe in the development of private medical insurance and, while 7% think that over time will improve by itself. So who care about women's health? It is not necessary whether to take on the world: the government to make women's health a priority, obstetrician-gynecologists think of his high calling of the healers of body and soul, medical web sites to improve the quality of information and women to become more active with regard to their own health?

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Effective Remedy

Above all it should be clear that acne is not contagious. But is the skin condition most common and affects up to 80% of the population. Comes produced by segregation of excess oil by the sebaceous glands. It occurs mainly in young people aged 11 to 30 years and there are many factors that cause: hereditary factors, poor diet (especially from eating fatty foods), obstructions in the canal tissues, hormonal changes (espeialmentre prolific at the start teens), bacteria … not easy to cure acne, however, however, processed in a timely and appropriate way can we combat the outbreak and ensure that leave no marks. This is essential to tackle it from its first outbreaks, follow these two basic tips will help prevent it: 1) maintain good hygiene in areas prone to acne (face and back) because acne usually extends due to a bacterial infection going from one brand to another if we do not keep the affected area well clean.

And 2) care for the food and limit intake of fatty foods (chocolate, sausages, dairy products, refined flour …). Fat no acne. Excess fat production of our glands often accompanies the vast majority of processes with acne, unfortunately at puberty activates all hormones, also responsible for producing sebaceous fat. This process is more prevalent in males, it is associated with male hormones (androgynous), hence prime acne is more in men than in women. The most visible symptom is the dreaded acne pimples. They are produced by the accumulation of cells attached to the skin, the sebaceous gland is obstructed its natural outlet to the outside and the disruption produces a small clot that called shin. This alteration can submit two forms: a grain of white head, when not associated with hair follicle, and a black head or shin open when associated with a hair follicle. Evil may become entrenched treated pimples, pustules or infected lead, mainly due to the effect of bacteria, which as we proliferate uncontrollably when tallow segregation increases.

How to treat acne with aloe vera? The aloe, bacterial and astringent properties (regulators of fat) that make it ideal for treating acne. However, effective treatment requires a constant, it is a condition very rebellious and often resprout after controlled. To combat acne is fundamental to attack the disease on two fronts: 1) internally with aloe juice, tonic and regulator whose power will lower body fat levels secreted by the sebaceous glands, and 2) from outside, first trying to free the affected area and cleanse it of impurities and depth, which apply an aloe vera soap and an acne toner, and secondly applying aloe gel with a wealth of 95%, thereby drying the grain will get thanks its astringent quality, and secondly to prevent the flora bacteria proliferate and infect other nearby areas. Pedro Sanchez Torrente more about aloe vera and its cosmetic and therapeutic applications:.

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Treating Diseases

Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, psoriasis, hypertension, peptic ulcer, cancer, stroke, diabetes, stroke, impotence, uterine fibroids, erosion, infertility, chronic prostatitis, vazikulit, epidedemit caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasmas, gardnerellas, genital herpes – these diseases as inevitable trouble, went to every house. The average life expectancy of our men, according to official figures dropped to 57.8 years, and in fact up to 52 years. Mortality is 1.6 times the birth rate, many children are not healthy. Science has succeeded in combating infections fast – diseases which arise shortly after infection, and to which the body reacts very sick: fever, pain, vomiting, sneezing, etc. In this case it is necessary to help a man drugs that stimulate the body's defenses, and he is recovering.

But medicine has proved incapable of Suppression of slow infections because, as the patient and she misses the point of human infection and its carriers not to notice the initial stages of the disease. And when the disease manifests itself with numerous symptoms, she is virtually incurable. Medicine is known about the slow infections, but it is primarily concerned with viruses that are constantly seeking refuge in the cells, including single-celled parasites. That's just the latest medical absolutely no interest, but these are very simple: Trichomonas, Giardia, Chlamydia, fungi, roundworm, worms of the brain, reproductive organs, pinworms, intestinal worms of the gastrointestinal tract, trichina (muscle) – are slow infections. Almost all the parasites are "gourmand", which like all the vitamins, minerals, hormones, protein-carbohydrate foods, sugar and other eating lacquer substance, they produce toxins, swallowing the red blood cells, weakening the immune system. Reaching a certain stage of development, the parasites block the immune system, thus affecting species organ tissue: epithelial, connective, glandular and lymphoid. Immunodeficiency caused by microorganisms that live in the human organism (viruses, cocci, chlamydia, fungi, trichomonads, mycoplasmas, etc., and also the simplest – amoebas, Giardia, etc.) is the leading cause of severe diseases of the human body: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, veins and blood vessels, diabetes, etc.

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Treatment Of Osteoarthritis

One day, early winter morning I was awakened by the doorbell. I leisurely got out of bed and opened the door. Before me stood a neighbor – a tall, strong man of forty-two years. His face was twisted in pain, his forehead shining beads of sweat. In a low voice he said: 'Andrew, what do I do? Ten minutes later, I need to go to work, and I picked up a strong back. The pain is terrible, such a brat to me did not happen. You are a doctor, who knows, maybe something advise? " History acquaintance, I realized there symptoms of osteoarthritis beginning.

My neighbor – the driver, most of the time behind the wheel. Probably in his cabin seat adjusted properly, and constant load on the spine exacerbated his health. " – I will help you, Sergei, but only if you otneseshsya to my instructions seriously. – Yes, I do not really joking, the pain unbearable, here at a time to cry! .. – Then this: penny upper hand over my door and I hold your it, so you do not your fingers crushed. Do not worry you will not break! The neighbor grabbed hold of the upper edge of the door. – And now bend your knees and hung so a couple of minutes.

After resting for few minutes, I asked my neighbor to repeat this once again hanging. The pain subsided. When finished third neighbor hanging, he was able to go to work, without feeling virtually no unpleasant symptoms. The reason the pain he explained, I told how to avoid it in the future, and showed a few simple but very effective exercises. What happened to my neighbor, could happen to anyone. Osteochondrosis – very known disease, it sometimes even called one of the 'century of disease', it is safe from anyone. The occurrence of degenerative disc disease and affect genetic predisposition, and lifestyle, and many situations in which we often fall sometimes forced, sometimes at his own stupidity. Suppose our pain pierced his back, a move was chrezvyychayno hurt, life was not sweet, more recently, ran, and now even to think of superfluous motion scary. What we do in such cases? Favorite Russian question. But in this situation it is not necessary to search for a philosophical response, there are very real and very effective recommendations. After reviewing the site 'treatment of joints – exercise in the cervical osteochondrosis', you will learn how to avoid exacerbation of degenerative disc disease and other diseases of the joints over the years do not feel bad back pain and joint pain. It is very important for our body, even a slight headache, appeared for the first time, the pain in the chest, neck or back can be a little bell, talking about the beginning of degenerative disc disease, and warning signals on the existing and pronounced the disease. Osteochondrosis is dangerous: the time even when the structure of spinal cord injuries serious clinical symptoms may not appear – you feel quite well, but then suddenly begins a rapid progression disease, there is a pronounced clinical picture, and then – serious complications. We hope that the advice given on the site, back flexibility and povizhnost your joints and muscles, relieve you from pain and severe pain associated with joint diseases!

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Also, do not exclude unpleasant sensations in the vagina. 5) Fatigue and sleep disturbances. During menopause, men and women get tired quickly, and at night can not sleep well. Also, it is difficult sleep after waking in the middle of the night. 6) Depression and frequent changes of mood. Because of the many different symptoms of menopause suffer from depression and despondency.

Insomnia – the culprit of frequent and unpredictable changes of mood, when the most insignificant trifle may ruffle. 7) The physical changes. Menopause is sometimes accompanied by physical changes in the body, such as weight gain, increased waist circumference, loss of muscle mass and tension of the skin. 8) Other signs. Some people in menopause suffer from headaches and stiffness of muscles and joints. All these signs point to approximation or the onset of menopause.

Symptoms of menopause Menopause – is not a disease and not a violation of the body. Menopause (menopause) – a transitional state between the two phases of a woman's life when menstruation stops. About hormonal changes that occur in the female body during menopause, showed various signs. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Elio Moti Sonnenfeld. About before> menopause in women decreases bone density and increases the level of cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease. Menopause occurs when the ovaries of female workers are running out of eggs. When you see the light in the ovaries of female laid approximately 1 – 3 million eggs that are consumed over a lifetime. Before the beginning of the menstrual cycle in girls on average is only about 400,000 eggs.

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