It is the case today with metastases that they can be effectively treated.For example, with metastases in the bones, appears quite common in cancer patients (40%). One of the successful ways to treat the tumor (metastasis in the bone) – a the latter. Also used as in primary tumors and secondary tumors and in malformations in the brain and spine. This procedure is performed by means of X-rays were sent right on target, destroying the cells DNA that feed the tumor. Over the years there have been many discoveries in this area, but the essence remains the same, directed radiation destroys malignant tumor.

often, the procedure is a one-time, in rare cases more, depending on the type, location and histology of cancer. Usually, this is a short procedure, culminating in a single day. Over the past 3 years research has shown that success in this area is 86% when the procedure was carried out as a minor, after surgery and 90% success rate when the procedure was the primary treatment after relapse in the spine. In addition, 84% of patients suffering from neurological problems, radio-surgery has affected them, positively strongly reducing pain and improving overall physical fitness. As you know, pain in the bones of metastasis is a common phenomenon, but because of the procedures radio-surgery in 86-96% (depending on histology), the pain decreased. From the above we can conclude that radiosurgery is an effective way of dealing with metastases in the spine and head.