Women and children is an indicator of the health of society as a whole. It is no accident in the civilized countries women's health – is the subject of special concern of governments and the strong media attention and Internet. Educational programs have raised awareness of women in women's health, beginning with adolescence. Every woman in the U.S. or European country knows what is needed annual Pap test and mammography after age 40, and almost every gynecologist – a personal doctor. My friend young American in frank conversation admitted that after moving to another state it once a year, continues to fly to their doctor for routine inspection, because only trusted this doctor and do not want to look for another.

Because of this relation to women's health in the community cases of advanced malignancy of the reproductive system are uncommon. In Russia, the vast majority of cases of cervical cancer, which is completely preventable, it is found in an incurable stage, and the number of abortions is highest in the world. What's the matter? To clarify the relationship Russian Women for Women's Health Service website "VebGinekolog" conducted an independent survey of 209 women, which showed the following: Of all those surveyed only 56% visit a gynecologist regularly, and only a third of these, prophylaxis, while the rest – of necessity, ie, due to pregnancy or disease. 28% refer to a gynecologist at least once a year and only when needed, 18% do not attend at all. It turned out that most women (52%) experiencing negative emotions at the thought of a visit to a gynecologist: the fear to hear from them that something is wrong, and even shame and fear.

After the visit, a third of women remain unsatisfied with the results. On the question of the relation to These doctors, only 50% of participants rated it as polling friendly, respectful and interested, and only a tenth of that number said that experiencing pleasant feelings when communicating with your doctor. 35% rated relation to them a doctor, as indifferent, and 8% – as arrogant and degrading. Do not believe in the necessity of regular medical surveillance, and accordingly, are showing their ignorance in matters of health 17% women, while the rest belong to their health very responsibly, but only 47% fully trusted the doctor, while 36% believe the low qualified physician and to some of the recommendations are in disbelief. 89% want to better themselves situation with the service of women's health in the country can improve such government measures as improving the quality of education in medical schools and the development of a free public health care system, 22% believe that women should increase their civic participation, to something better, 12% believe in the development of private medical insurance and, while 7% think that over time will improve by itself. So who care about women's health? It is not necessary whether to take on the world: the government to make women's health a priority, obstetrician-gynecologists think of his high calling of the healers of body and soul, medical web sites to improve the quality of information and women to become more active with regard to their own health?