Tag: insurance & pension

Now The Way Forward

Private health insurance now lead in the way that you now have you ever prepare yourself for the head lump sum insured with the statutory health insurance can come the 2011, if the Federal Government gets everything in dry towels until then, because some of the statutory health insurance introduce a supplementary contribution to health insurance companies now to April 1, 2010. In their funds, namely gape billion holes. While it looks like there’s no reason somehow avert these additional burdens for millions of insured persons by the new black yellow Government. So you could enforce namely easily the head lump sum. The additional cost per month, per insured are proud 8 euro.

For many, this is nothing to sneeze at, because they have so little money and must now steal these 8 euros from the pension. Some voluntarily insured will make use of their special right now especially use the collection of the additional contribution and a health insurance make transition. This health insurance Exchange will they in the private health insurance, where according to the opinion of Experts are ever better. The contributions for private health insurance not calculated also also according to percentage of her income (which is anyway very difficult for voluntarily insured), but according to their age and sex, according to the extent of the performance and health. Enjoys an enormous increase following the introduction of an additional contribution some of the statutory health insurance health insurance private health insurance and advertise also strengthened for a health insurance Exchange. Those who want to switch to private health insurance, which are limited to exchange with the base rate however for 18 months after the health insurance.

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Bogdan Kellinger

Top rates offer, for example, twice the performance. Therefore you should look for when completing the appropriate accident insurance for children in addition to a relatively reasonable price especially on condition criteria such as an improved outlining tax. This is very crucial for how much must pay an insurer in the event of a claim. Same insurance sums on offer does not mean still long, that also the payout amount at an identical personal injury is the same.” Just at the child accident insurance can be more contract clauses of enormous importance, so that the children are fully protected. These include among others the co-insurance of insect bites – bite, the co-insurance of poisoning, rooming-in (i.e. the costs for accommodation of a parent as a companion of the child in the hospital), a higher proportion of involvement preexisting diseases, money in spaces or also a school compensation. More information to the Child accident insurance including value for money.

and condition criteria can be found on the website KIDS.young insurance.de. Contact: Bergische Assekuranz broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 E-Mail: contact person for the press: Bogdan Kalid image source: (c) Jaimie Duplass – fotolia.com the Bergische insurance brokers diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker founded company. With the Internet presence of young Insurance.de the company specializes specifically on the needs of private individuals and professionals, who would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies. Bergische insurance broker has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies. For different professions, such as, for example, students, apprentices, entry-level or certain traders are special rates available. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998 in the insurance industry are active customers via the Internet, by telephone and by post served – when preparing offers, as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterised by a very high market coverage, highly trained staff and variety of services tailored to the needs of specific target groups. With an individual analysis and the use of cutting-edge financial comparison software, customers are advised objectively and independently.

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