Tag: Cosmetics

Premier Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd

Founded in 1996, Dead Sea Premier Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd was founded as a laboratory for the processing of mineral products and the Dead Sea. Initially, the main activities of the company Dead Sea Premier Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd supplied raw materials producers Dead Sea cosmetics. Soon the board of directors of the company Dead Sea Premier Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd came to the conclusion that to have complete control over the quality of products is necessary to establish its own production. Production line of cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals has been is based on the best scientific and technological achievements. Currently, quality control of cosmetic products is carried out by the standards of the EEC, and the underlying beauty products formula, successfully passed clinical trials at leading research centers in Europe, designed to increase the natural ability to regenerate the skin by stimulating the epidermal cells, which leads to change in skin balance. The company Premier specializing in the production of cosmetic products of superior quality, consists of more than 150 varieties of products that are unique, created from natural minerals Dead Sea care products for skin and hair.

Cream of Premier instantly absorbed into skin leaving a fat layer and not interfering with the skin to breathe, provide food and oxygen to the skin without disrupting its biological function. The company's products Premier refers to the category of the most modern beauty care products for face, skin around the eyes, and hair care products. The line of men's cream includes nourishing cream for the face, and of course, to creams and after shave. Natural cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals produced by Premier fully satisfy people who want to look and feel like they just came out of the Exclusive SPA-salona.My sure that you are sure to appreciate the quality of cosmetic products Premier.

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Edible Cosmetics

Imagine that you suddenly ended scrub or a refreshing facial mask. And tonight just need to look perfect! What do you do? That's right, you go to the kitchen and the refrigerator shelves fumbled. 1. CORN clean face Clear skin from makeup residue from dirt and dead skin cells to help corn meal. Make such a procedure can be every two weeks.

Take half a cup of water to flour so as to obtain pap. Before applying the mixture to make a face steam bath with chamomile. After 5-7 minutes put on the skin mush, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and use your usual cream. 2. SECOND LIFE Tea bags Do not throw away disposable tea bags after use, and use "for the good eye." Boil the kettle and brew a bag. When the extract from the cup, let it cool a little on a saucer. While drinking tea, taking care not pressing, clean bag of skin around the eye or gently attach it to the ages. And if you like strong tea and brew two bags at once, use them as a ten-compress both eyes simultaneously.

3. Salt peeling Sol – a great natural scrub. Body peeling can be done with a pair of salt and half prigorshen cup of cream. Apply the mixture on your shoulders, arms, back, hips, knees, calves and buttocks. Massage skin like peeling using industrial production, paying particular attention to knees and elbows. If you take a bath, sprinkle a little sea salt on the bottom, it would be "sitting" Peeling the buttocks. A mixture of ordinary of salt, a pinch of baking soda and soap shaving cream gives an excellent result in pollution have oily skin. Applies a peeling after a 16-minute steam bath with herbal extracts.

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To a question on differences in bio epilation methods of electrolysis and hair removal, then there are some pluses. Photoepilation hardly destroys the thick hair with dark skin. By the way epilation dangerous photosensitive people. e will be effective epilation and the man who in recent days luxuriated in the scorching sun. Electrolysis often uses mechanical intervention in the skin during the procedure epilation. To destroy the root hairs in the hair follicle enters a tiny needle.

It's terribly painful and can cause internal burns when the cosmetologist at a low level did the job. Electrolysis undesirable for people with dentures in the troubled mestah.Vse written above disadvantages of electrolysis hair removal and are not typical for bio epilation. Photoepilation type eyelash Photoepilation, similar to building eyelashes done almost painlessly, while electrolysis and bioepilation soft and comfortable way to harvest shoots dare not name. Photoepilation helps eliminate hair much faster, than other types of hair removal procedures, however, as we said no to any type of skin, the method is allowed. Due to its sparing effect, photo-epilation can be used exclusively sensitive areas, especially in the bikini area and on the surface of the face.

Although bioepilation is highly painful, and the procedure of electrolysis in a position to apply after the procedure on the skin did not attractive signs. A similar side effect disappears at the expiration of the day, we must note that still do not have any women may be eligible to be veiled for the entire period. The big advantage of hair removal is considered excellent performance. Although there are unforeseen pitfalls. If at the end of bio epilation hair disappear after one treatment for one month, for the destruction of all hair using fotoepilyatsiitsii will need a few sessions, and they are allowed to forget the nasty hairs during the whole year. Modern electrolysis strong negative feature of the process is considered to be eelktroepilyatsii unpleasant sensation, but the most notable positive feature of efficiency, because this method will give a chance to get rid of unwanted hairiness in an impressive period than all other methods. It is also necessary to pay note that electrolysis is a decent amount of money, as opposed to bio epilation procedure. This should finish that electrolysis and photo-epilation is done solely at beauty salons, the procedure bioepilation actually implemented and in an ordinary home.

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Home Facial Masks

Facials using natural resources – is an affordable and effective means of preserving youthful skin and keep it in good shape. Natural facial masks enrich the skin with vitamins and minerals. In Depending on the composition, homemade facial masks are used to soften the skin, its power and they have a grease-astringent, firm the skin and improve skin tone and elasticity, smooth wrinkles. Home face masks available to all, but especially useful for skin problems: sluggish, flabby, rough, dry, pale and sickly hue, with acne, etc. Contraindications for the use of masks from natural home virtually no products (except for allergies), they can be used at any age, ranging from 13-14 years. Due to natural vitamins and other beneficial substances found in vegetables, fruits and herbs, homemade facial masks better and faster refresh the skin than chemical cosmetics, which are used regularly. And another important advantages of home facial masks – this is their low cost. Rules izpolzovaniya home facial masks Before applying a mask to clean skin Horch, neck and neck, remove excess makeup with cleansing milk, lotion or cream.

For greater effect, before applying the mask is recommended make a steam bath or hot kopress. Eye with your fingertips to apply a small amount of nutrient cream (the mask on the eye area and lips do not do). The mask of slurry applied to the skin with a thick layer (in this case increased suction capacity of the skin). These facial masks contain many vitamins and are mainly used to improve the nutrition of the skin. Liquid Mask (juice or herbal tea) is applied with a soft cloth or gauze, pre-cut holes in them for eyes nose and mouth. Cloth moistened with the juice (broth), a little squeeze and put on the face and neck.

You can just lubricate the skin of berries and fruit juice, leaving him in the face for 15-20 minutes. And you can Mix juice with oatmeal, almond bran, wheat flour. In winter, it is recommended to add a face mask olive oil or glycerin. Home face masks do not do 1-2 times a week. Rules for making If home cooking masks masks you use fresh berries, fruits or vegetables, the easiest way – crush them (if necessary, mixed with other ingredients) and immediately put on the skin. If Crushed vegetables or fruit juicy enough, the pulp can be added to milk. If the paste, on the contrary, too thin, add flour to it. Juice mixed with oatmeal, almond bran, wheat flour. In winter, it is recommended add a face mask olive oil or glycerin. Home face masks should be prepared just before use, but do not refrigerate. No more than two days can be stored in a cool place to herbal tea making masks.

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