Tag: psychology

Pediatrics Infirmary

From these events, the briquedotecas had been appearing inside of the hospitals. The objectives of a brinquedoteca, and to prepare the child to face the situation of hospitalization, reducing damages that this process can generate and preserve the emotional health of the child. PEDIATRICS INFIRMARY AND the PERFORMANCE OF the PSYCHOLOGIST According to Lindquist (1993), the cooperation/interaction between all the professionals who are in contact with the child, in such a way promotes a profit for the professionals how much for the institution, therefore it foments in the child confidence, welfare and security guard. Lindquist (1993), detaches the importance of the o to be hospitalized the children to be in the pediatrics sector, therefore in these sectors the child will be dealt with one complete form, that is, treated as child and its peculiar necessities will be supplied. In accordance with Baptist (2010), the hospitalized who present picture of chronic illnesses, neurological, infectious and caused an accident children with time of superior internment the five days, tend to develop psychological and/or mannering upheavals. The paper of the psychologist, in the hospital environment, must be of observer and of it interprets flexible in what it says respect to the yearnings of the patient. In what it says respect to the hospitalized children, makes if important to consider questions as the reactions of the child in the familiar, ambient process and of the evolutivo process where it meets.

Still in accordance with Baptist (2010), the psychological reactions in the illness processes and hospitalization are: regression and passivity. The adaptability to hospitalization cannot correspond to the relation of the child with the health team, resultant estresse of it professional of the team. The psychological evaluation if makes important why if well done, can reduce the internment time, the number of reinternao and reduction of cost of medical treatments. The psychological evaluation has as objective to welfare promote biopsicossocial of familiar patients and of its, acting of form integrated with an excessively professional of health, objectifying global vision of the patient inside of the approach to interdisciplinar.

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“Understanding The Dream

"The philosophy of beauty, as the technology of" intellectual elixir of youth. Continued. " The dream led me to the future. Desire brings me closer to the dream. My desire is, or makes me my feelings. Through the senses I go along to the meaning of planning my future. Combining into one point the past, future and present, I am going to the worlds own imagination and fantasy.

Why am I going to dream? I just curious to know: but what I am is capable of? I do I build an integrated vertical future events, I plan to fundamental horizontal translating them. I cupped a simple pencil and begin to write down their thoughts, their own, not yet born, the ideas in a retrieval system something new and beautiful. Aesthetics, Interior, my aesthetics opens the way for me – a dream, I'm in no hurry to join her, I look past the picture: I learned a lot, I've known a lot, I have to properly assess what is happening. My real here and now begins to dictate to me the coordinates of the areas that give me the freedom to fantasies: the sea, the wind, the green meadow, the smell of wild berries, the pure brook, the white drifts, finally, Ecumenical worlds, the stars and secrets of hidden in all of this kaleidoscope of the universe. Sense of beauty sent me on my way – a dream. Here, at the beginning of my journey, I briefly delayed, because I came here first times.

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Rectal Cancer

The cancer is a chronic degenerative illness, that must be dealt with throughout the life the patient, investigating itself returns and metstases. The rectum cancer (final part of the intestine) is more common between the men, to the step that the cancer of CLON or thick intestine affects men and women. uma treatable and frequently curable illness when located in intestine (without extension for other agencies) .Risk Factors: Age above of 40anos; tobaccoism, alcoholism, familiar history of cancer of clon and rectum; former personal history of cancer ; diet with high content of fat, calcium meat and low text; obesidade and sedentarismo. Also the chronic ulcerativa retocolite (chronic inflammation of the thick intestine) and Illness of Cronh (chronic illness inflammatory intestinal), some hereditary conditions (Polipose Adenomatosa Familiar (FAP) and Hereditary Colorretal Cancer without Polipose A rich diet in fruits, vegetables, staple fibres, calcium, poor in fats, and the practical one of physical exercises. People with more than 40 years must submit themselves annually to the examination of occult research of blood in excrements.

SYMPTOMS: Individuals above of 40 years with anemia, pain and abdominal discomfort, abdominal mass, nauseas, vomits, melena (pastosas excrements, of I smell ftido and of color of the tar), weakness, tenesmo (painful sensation to defecate), bleeds in the evacuation, change in the intestinal habit, for example: intestines that function well, daily and suddenly are desregulados, diarrias daily ouconstipao. DIAGNOSIS: The use of the toqueretal, the retossigmoidoscopia, and the colonoscopia an important characteristic in the development of the CCR is that a precursory injury of the called cancer POLYP, delay some years to changed itself, what it is enough time for its removal before the transformation. In accordance with a.C.Camargo Hospital, patients after the 40 years of age, with raised risk, but without familiar history, must carry through the colonoscopia to each 5 years. TREATMENT: The surgery, removing the next part of the affected intestine and linfonodos to this region. Many tumors of the rectum are dealt with surgeries that PRESERVE SPHINCTER ANAL, through the use of the STAPLERS, thus preventing the COLOSTOMIAS (opening in the abdominal wall for where they pass to be eliminated the gases and excrements) and the use of collecting stock markets. The x-ray associated or with the chemotherapy is not used to diminish the possibility of the return of the tumor (RETURN) When the illness is spread, with metstases for the liver, lung or other agencies, the cure possibilities diminish. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS: The patient is common to show a depressed mood, frustration, impotence, low auto esteem, suicidal ideao, fancies, fear, diffidence, alrgicos sensation of punishment, aggressiveness, damages in the corporal image, dermatological problems, social isolation, nutricionais problems, etc Exist groups of support to the carrier of colostomias, that function in order to ressignificar the new style of life for the patient. Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira /Psic logCRP 06/8495sbischoff@ itelefonica.com.br After grad.por the Hosp.de a.C.Camargo Cancer.

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Psychology of the Relationship

So in the song is sung. Chill through the veins, it does not hit, but what a betrayal of good feeling does not cause, in case of detection – it is a fact. And why is betrayal? There are people who do not change can not. This is a womanizer and similar women "" (we call them so gently, because swearing somehow do not want to). For iic need to change – this is the need to breath. Nothing can be done – this is the psychology of their relationship, they can not in principle different. They do not want to associate their sexual life with one partner.

I guess they have that right. These people are usually attractive, due to their lifestyle, they attract people of the opposite sex. Everyone is looking for a something, what will try to succeed best. Terribly important for them to seduce, they need new people, body, so they are able to do it. So okay, with understandable, but why then change the other? It is important to understand that there exists a sequence of actions, which leads a person to want to change. But with this and need to understand, it is necessary to analyze, to feel.

What will come of your relationship if you do so, and not otherwise. Most often, we are pushing your partner to commit adultery. We are doing some kind of action, which he strongly dislike. And he begins to look spiritual comfort somewhere on the side. It is very important to be able to feel this moment to prevent, and not to bring to the extremes. In general, it would be good, just a little to be familiar with the psychology of men and women. Simply, it will help to better perceive their partner. Understanding the causation of his action and result – is the key to to live a life without change. Understanding a partner – that is the secret to good marriage. You must be able to talk and listen, you need to shoot in the first place heartache and emotional discomfort, yet able to identify and remove consumer discomfort. But the main thing – it want to make him (her) the happiest man on earth. Happen to treat a spouse – will create a strong family for life and do unchanged.

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