Many workers suffer from a growing work pressure addressing the growing complexity of simultaneous shortage. The complexity and variety of products rising, the steps involved also. At the same time, an ever-higher quality is required. Mainly mental disorders occur more in addition to back pain and other common diseases. “The optimum would this development datamanagement solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe counteract your intelligent image processing program ( bildverarbeitungsprogramm.html) called smarter Klaus” relieved and supported his human colleagues, as in quality assurance or picking.

The increasing number of product variants and the high quality requirements lead to more and more psychologically-related absenteeism and failure. This error can be, attributed now also on a particular employee, which additionally increases the pressure in each individual. In addition General skills shortage, which is forcing many companies, having to rely on performance-mitigated employees, or persons with language and reading problems. The solution is obvious: discharge of employees to protect them physically and mentally. Optimum smarter Klaus developed by, database-driven, intelligent image processing system”offers a screen-led process that shows exactly the employee on the monitor, what have to do this in the next step. The system checks an industrial camera and the specific software using whether the steps are performed correctly and gives appropriate feedback. Everything is correct, sounds request a beep and it follows optical confirmation. Counteract the current and future issues in considering the fact that ever more complex requirements make to create both the employees and the company, additional support is necessary.

An image processing system automatically adds to the motivation and health of the employees, by it quickly and reliably visualized repetitive tasks as optimum CEO Wolfgang Mahanty explained: this is exactly the approach to one of the major problem issues in the industry, namely growing complexity and shortage, to tackle successfully. All parties benefit: the employees be relieved and the company can increase its flexibility and ensure their quality. An ROI of partly less than a year is it realistic.” Products and components on the basis of characteristics can be clearly identified thanks to the combination of database and a specific image processing system. Display the next work steps and the immediate feedback make it staff simply to avoid errors. Also they can take on a wider variety of tasks thanks to the guidance and monotony is thus prevented. The intelligent image processing opens up new studies according to the number of screen-based jobs opportunities will have increased rapidly in five years. The challenges of the future use of this intelligent solution make almost inevitable, which in turn motivates companies to invest in this area. For healthy and balanced employees are for the company of great benefit and save both cost and time. The crafty Klaus”is an important building block on the way to the relief of employees and maintain consistently high quality. “About the optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH the software manufacturer optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe specializes in intelligent image processing and offers the sly Klaus” a complete solution for the logistics. The database-driven testing system controlled products or individual components for number, completeness and accuracy. The Ministry has already twice promoted this approach with an innovation grant. Press contact OPTIMUM datamanagement solutions GmbH Mr. Wolfgang Mahanty deer Street 12-14 76131 Karlsruhe