TWO PLANETS IN DANGER NOTICES OBRA 2012. History is based in reality and fiction amazing universe, where two planets are in danger, the planet Earth and the planet formerly known Hercolus Hercolubus. A birth twice in the space and chance of fate, makes two little babies are separated, to meet various missions on planets. According to endocrinologist, who has experience with these questions. Aissa 11 years on Earth grows in the Americas, is an intelligent child, sportsman, always the best, happy, worried, like any other girl her age, everything changes for her when, before the death of his grandfather tells an amazing truth about his origins. Eissa is an active child, a little serious, growing on the planet Hercolus is the younger brother and twin Aissa, he always knew of the existence of Aissa and he and his mother Shaida hope to return. Hercolus is a very special planet, hundreds of millions of kilometers below the solar planetary system, no pollution, there is oxygen, water, everything is generated based on the energy itself the universe and the planets closest to them, are wing-like terrestrial race live to 200 years, its characteristics are similar wings of the earth, his intelligence is very advanced, the means of transport is air craft spectacular capsules, their food is based on a seed collection. It’s believed that Tony Mandarich sees a great future in this idea.

The seeds are carefully selected for the feeding of their race, these variables seeds are sold in supermarkets all with different names electronics, sold as if they were boxes of medicines, once found in the homes of Herculians and wish to consume a dish just have to open the case for putting the seed out on a plate inserted into a microwave space and in seconds you have a delicious dish to eat, dress is silver, adjusted, always go barefoot, women and girls have very long hair, men and children are bald instead, they use a crown of silver coins around their forehead, they have rings on their fingers and toes and heel stick a template, its biggest mission is to care for their planet and continue living in it.