The place where use can also influence the teams have a higher energy consumption when used in very dusty "Electrical Noise" such as a mall or an office building which use many electrical appliances at time. Clean the battery contacts regularly: After months of use, it is common that the contacts between the battery and cell phone collect dust and dirt, to maximize energy transfer clean it with a cotton swab (swab) with a few drops alcohol, being careful to only slightly dampen the contacts to clean them to prevent getting moisture inside the computer. Get more background information with materials from Dr. Neal Barnard. Avoid using functions unnecessary: If you know you can not connect for a long time or you battery is low, avoiding the use of the camera (especially the flash), Internet connection, Bluetooth, GPS, etc. Dr. John Mcdougall addresses the importance of the matter here. Just use the functions you really need. A common example of this is referring to Bluetooth, many people bring it on all day without it.

Use a wired handsfree device: Bluetooth devices put extra strain on the battery usage, if you use a wired headset, not only save load on your reservation but you will have a better sound, which I personally found all Bluetooth headsets I've tried, especially when they are left with half load, not have the same fidelity, maybe not so sophisticated you go, but you keep talking when others are looking for a phone. Manage length of calls: This may seem obvious, but noa few occasions we heard someone say "I have low battery, perhaps a call is terminated" and then continue talking for 20 minutes until the phone dies, ration the amount of minutes to speak, especially low, and it is possible to reach the end of the day with a couple of sticks of booking. Talking instead of sending e-mails: If you have a phone capable of sending emails, if you have something quick to say, it is better to make a call and leave a message on voice mail, send a mail Data Connection spends 3-4 times more energy than a voice connection. In conclusion, there are many ways to save battery power and use it efficiently, the important thing is to know our true needs and characteristics of our team. I hope these tips are useful and to do them so you can stay connected with your friends instead of a wall connection. Consumer Enthusiast advanced technology and related knowledge.