Tag: education & career

Shorthand The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift

Benefits and advantages of a shorthand translation who thinks that shorthand in the age of the PC is obsolete is wrong! As the experiences of Stenographical companies in Austria and Germany prove the shorthand remains an important tool for diarists, for example when it comes to content, which can be cut with not with a recorder for privacy reasons, but also for discussions, at which contain too much babble audio recordings. The human recorder can filter relevant content but in the transcript and saves so much time when the transcript. A brief history of shorthand first leads us in the ancient Greece and Rome, where already shorthand systems were invented. The modern shorthand dates back to the British, who developed the systems for the logging of sermons. (Source: Wikipedia) The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift was created in 1924 and rises from font ideas of previous shorthand systems, such as the shorthand system of Gabelsberger and Stolze – Schrey lazy man. Today, the Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift is the national shorthand system in Austria and Germany.

The font used abbreviation for much used syllables and words, vowels are represented only by different connection lines between the Mitlauten, many conventions of spelling are disregarded in favour of a faster writing. Thus a text in shorthand for the lay person like a book with seven abbreviations appears and a transcription in Reischrift or longhand seems initially completely unfeasible. But who mastered the system, for whom no secrets are the signs and abbreviations and a stenography translation is as simple as reading and writing a “normal” text. The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift has three different levels: transport font, Eilschrift and speech writing. While the three system levels due to the speed of acquisition differ and experienced typist with the transport font about 80-120 syllables per minute can capture example in the degree of Abstraktion.Zum, which already twice to three times as fast as the normal font is.

With Eilschrift the stenographers to 200 syllables per minute, with the speech writing, even 500 syllables per minute can be written under Umsatanden. In any case an average shorthand use to track about three times as fast a text shorthand, than tap on the machine. Shorthand translation must of course comply with the spelling rules. A correct transcription of a stenographierten text requires not only expertise in shorthand and perfect mastery of German spelling and grammar. Therefore no shorthand should be made translation without sufficient knowledge. The shorthand notes allows it quick and easy to hold. Follow others, such as Dr. John Mcdougall, and add to your knowledge base. Whether as a journalist, to make notes during the interview or as a student, write with his lectures. Who is the shorthand-powerful, saves you much time and also errors that it caused you to listen with one ear and at the same time attempting to the spoken word, which is much faster than the ordinary longhand. to stick with one back is nachhinken always something, and either important content missed listening to or more in writing can hold. The shorthand is thus a still important and useful tool and a skill that is very popular in many occupations, mainly upscale Assistant and secretarial positions. A comprehensible for everyone playing of the text translation can occur in the shorthand. We will assist you in translating stenographic records. More information, see our shorthand translation offer. Emmy Harengel

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German-uni Online With New TestDaF Preparation Course

German University Online offers now faster and more intensive preparation for the test of German as a foreign language at special online courses of the German University online allow an effective, targeted and successful practice of the test German as a foreign language (TestDF). For all those who must prepare for the TestDF in no time, the German University online now with “TestDFtraining EXPRESS” offers a new model of course. For even more analysis, hear from lee marks. Because DUO has one of the best modules – developed TestDFtraining together with the TestDF-Institut uni german – repackaged: same content, intensive care, shortened the duration of the course. Now it is possible with TestDFtraining EXPRESS in just four weeks intensively for the TestDF to prepare. Note for students: you should plan plenty of time during the course.

Universities, educational institutions and companies can use uni german TestDFtraining in the licensing procedure for the TestDF exam. Licensee can set duration and intensity of their course itself. Information about uni german TestDFtraining and booking facility: testdaftraining information about the licensing: duo_webshop/portal/Partner/partner.jsp about the TestDF: with the TestDF, foreign students provide the necessary proof of their German skills for studying in Germany. Meanwhile, over 16,000 foreign students drop every year the TestDF. The Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat and the TestDF Institute is one of the world’s largest language learning portals have established over the German-uni online: With the German University online. Individual programs allow media-based foreign language learning in German, English, French, Portuguese as well as Chinese and Japanese.

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Good Looks Offers Advantage

Beauty a quick look is better than each letter of recommendation is enough, to find trustworthy, intelligent or likable gutausende fellow. The news portal news.de shows that attractive people have it really easier in life. Americans spend annually more money for losing weight than their Government for education. And obviously for good reason. We seem actually unconscious with a whole series of desirable characteristics such as health physical beauty to connect intelligence or integrity. A glance to find someone trustworthy, intelligent or likable.

Various social-psychological studies prove this. Alan Feingold, Professor of psychology at Yale University, has found in 35 different research a uniform image. In almost all areas, positive social skills such as balance and social skills are attributed to the beautiful people. Only at the point of modesty the beautiful cut worse: they are as vain and arrogant as misjudged the rest. Also in the assessment of their performance in school and work, beautiful people have an advantage. So, students evaluate their professors with been exterior according to Feingold study much more positive than less respectable counterparts. Beauty plays no small role also in court. Scientists at the University of Houston have 2235 analyzed judgments and determined that, at least for smaller offences, pretty accused get milder penalties.

The differing assessment of attractive and unattractive people leads to different behaviors towards them. Beautiful people we are to Nice to ugly, unfriendly. But no rational reason. In fact, we confirm our own prejudices. And the record of the ancient Greek poet Sappho: who is beautiful, is also good. More information: ../du-bist-schoen-dir-vertraue-ich/ news.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

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