Nowadays it is a vegetable and herb gardeners few forgotten. Perhaps because of its immense of size or simply because the problem becomes a place of rest and vegetables it is given less space. Although rhubarb and huge, but, unlike the capricious tomatoes and cucumbers, quite unpretentious. Can grow in the sun with little shade, in hills and .Dlya rhubarb prefer sandy soils with high content organics. However, it will grow in any soil, but yields will be much less.

A crop of rhubarb – it's fleshy petioles, which are harvested from mid-May to July / So, all in order. Since the rhubarb starts to move into growth very early, put it in the fall. For this to take the mother plant roots with 2-3 eyes. These roots need to dry a bit, then land a permanent position. It should be noted that rhubarb does not like waterlogged and can not stand close groundwater: roots may rot. Deepened the roots into the soil so peony – buried buds only 2-3 cm and on heavy soils and does should be placed at ground level. If you add in the hole re-prevshy manure leaves will actively grow. With good care bush rhubarb in one place can give a full harvest of at least 15 years.

As the plant develops a strong foliage, it is necessary each year to feed: sprinkle on surface of the soil humus in the autumn or spring. To get big, juicy stalks, rhubarb is removed from the buds as soon as they become available. This is done to ensure that flowers are not picked up the plant a lot of nutrients. Through a couple of years after planting begins collecting petioles: first cut off no more than 3-5 leaves, so as not to weaken the roots. The leaves are desirable to twist so as not to damage the kidneys on the roots of which later grow new leaves. But when careful harvesting can and cut a small thin knife. Petioles are separated from the leaves and cooked compote of them as well as dried fruits. And the leaves are sent to the compost pile. Medicinal properties of rhubarb are that it gentle and easy for the stomach laxative. As a laxative powder of rhubarb root is used in doses from 0,5 to 2 g at night or in the form of decoction in 0,5 glass. If the dosage is smaller, the effect will be opposite. Witch doctors advise just chew on stalks to get the desired effect.