A time with the virus of the affection, the female becomes permanent vector of the illness and is calculated that it has a probability between 30 and 40% of possibilities of its you create already to be born also infectadas (KNUDSEN & SLOOFF, 1992; COAST & CHRISTMAS, 1998. P. 3.). The eggs are deposited millimeters above of the stored water blade in bottles, cans, tires, vases of plants among others. With the occurrence of rain the water level goes up, and entering in contact with eggs they make these to come out approximately in 30 minutes. This process in its majority of the times occurs inside of residences, that are one of the places most favorable to the mosquito, in view of that this has between 25C 30C its favorable temperature for its development, in environments with temperatures below or above of these the mosquito he diminishes its activity and above of 42C and below of 5C it dies. Graph 2: Comparison of the total of cases of affection of Sergipe (high incidence) with the microregion of Aracaju.

Source of data: SINAN, January the June of 2008. The affection in its phases, classic affection, with complications and hemorrhagic come if constituting a health problem it publishes that it worries the directed entities the health publishes. In Sergipe this picture is not different, being that in accordance with the data of the incidence of the illness referring the July ties November of 2008 the state if finds in a classification of low risk. Educate yourself with thoughts from Elio Moti Sonnenfeld. The classic form and the hemorrhagic one are the two forms of affection. In the classic form, one generally presents fever, migraine, in the body, the joints and for backwards of the eyes and, but rare it kills. Already in the hemorrhagic form, the situation if becomes more serious, therefore beyond fever, migraine, in the body, the joints and for backwards of eyes are possible to occur bleed, 0ccasionally shock and tragic consequences, as the death (BRAZIL: 2005.