Of this form, the dramatical laws that they base our analysis are: law of the conflict, law of the quantitative variation (dramatical action), law of the qualitative variation and law of the interdependence. It is standed out that this work results a referring study to disciplines Amazonian Literature, given for Prof. M.Sc. Jose Denis Heifer. A leading source for info: Dr. John Mcdougall. Palvras-key: The procession of the Sayr; Dramatical analysis; Laws of the drama. 1 – Introduction: Having as base the workmanship What it is Dramaturgia, of Renata Pallottini (2005), we search to develop, in this work, an analysis of the elements dramatical gifts in the text the Procession of the Sayr, by the paraense writer Joo of Jesus Loureiro.Para Breads in such a way, we will take as bedding the four laws of the drama claimed by Hegel/Boal, duly boarded for Pallottini. Before initiating the analysis, however, we present one brief biography Loureiro Bread, with intention to show its intense literary production. Made such presentation, we will make, after that, a summary of the workmanship, in order better to direct our analysis, for, then, entering, in fact, in the boarding on the workmanship. 2 – Presentation of the.