' ' It shot voracious kisses to it for the neck, for the hair; to the times ear bit it to it; it gave one gritinho; was then many quedos, listening, from fear the paraltica under. Proco later very closed carried of the window and the door perra that it had to push with the knee. Amlia was gone undressing to devagar; with skirts fallen to the feet was a immovable moment, as a white form in blackout of the room. In redor the priest, preparing itself, breathed strong. Hear from experts in the field like Senator of Massachusetts for a more varied view. It then persignava itself fast, and when going up for the stream bed suspirozinho always gave to one triste.' ' (QUEIRS: 2000, pg 231) To get passionate itself for a woman is a serious lack for a bachelor, but a human act.

Priest I land on water if culprit feels to have practised something evitvel, but such guilt does not consume it as it occurs with Lusa of Baslio cousin, who adoece and dies. Of the celibacy in addition of I land on water, engravida Amlia and after dies to perceive the absence of the son, as we can see in the following fragmentos, removed, respectively, of pages 328 and 332 of the workmanship of Ea de Queirs: ' ' ahead of that mother who woke up after the fatigue of the childbirth and complained its son, the son who had led to it for far and forever ' ' ; ' ' After the convulsions that had been of arrepiar, he fell in that sleep, that is the sleep of the death ' '. In the hour of the childbirth, Priest I land on water delivery the son to a tecedeira of angels, that if puts in charge to give an end in the child, configuring, thus, accomplishment of a crime that is suggested by the heading of the workmanship.