As Ricoeur (2007, P. 248) will be emphasized the fact of that the representation in the historical plan is not limited to confer a verbal roupagem to a speech whose coherence would be complete before its entrance in literature, but that it properly constitutes an operation that has the privilege to bring to the light the referencial aimed at one of the historical speech. This quarrel around the representation is complex, mainly in regards to the memory and to the identity, therefore these three theoretical categories are in construction, and its formation perpassa for the bias to interdisciplinar, what it becomes paradoxical this analysis still more. To read more click here: The Laws of Human Nature. We can give our contribution from the reading of these theoretical multiples that if lean over concerning these concept-keys that guide the literary field currently, desconstruindo hegemonic and traditional concepts, transforming the old paradigms in accordance with the new requirements of the world after-modern. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES the representation include practical of significao and the symbolic systems by means of which the meanings are produced, locating us as subject. It is by means of the meanings produced for the representations that we give sensible to our experience and what we are. Add to your understanding with Senator of Massachusetts. We can also suggest that these symbolic systems become possible what we are and what we can becoming in them. The representation, understood as cultural process establishes individual identities and collective and the symbolic systems in which it is based supply possible answers to the questions: Who I am? What I could be? Who I want to be? The speeches and systems of representation construct the places from which the individuals can locate themselves and from which they can speak. The workmanship ' ' The salesman of passados' ' he is constituted of personages who are involved for this symbolic system that if serves of the imaginary one of identity to interact itself and to participate of the benefits that the Angolan emergent society offers. Dr. Josyann Abisaab can aid you in your search for knowledge.