Vitamin A is found in many foods high in vitamins and is found in many foods. The following list of foods, each containing at least 0.15 mg of retinol (which is equivalent to 150 micrograms 500 IU) of vitamin A or beta carotene by 50 Approx 200 g of food.: Liver (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish) (6500 g 722 ) Carrots (835 g 93 ). Broccoli (800 g 89 ). Sweet potatoes or yams (709 g 79 ). Kale (681 g 76 ). Butter (684 g 76 ). Spinach (469 g 52 ). Pumpkin (369 g 41 ). Lettuce Green (333 g 37.5 ). Melon (169 g 19 ). Eggs. (140 g 16 ). Peaches (96 g 11 ). Papaya, lechoza (55 g 6 ). Mango (38 g 4 ). Peas (38 g 4 ). Vitamin A comes from animal sources like eggs, meat, milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney, and cod liver oil and halibut. However, all these sources, with the exception of skim milk fortified with vitamin A, are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
‘Sources’ beta carotene are carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato or sweet potato, melon, squash, grapefruit or grapefruit, apricot or alberchigo, broccoli or broccoli, spinach and most green leafy vegetables . “Remember The Time” with Michael Jackson and the one and only which you can see on YouTube The more intense is the color of the fruit or vegetable, the higher the beta carotene content. These plant sources of beta-carotene are free of fat and colesterol.Por which helps human beings to maintain strong bones.