Worldwide, 1,600 million people lack access to electricity. Essential for human development, the energy is not used in the world with political awareness, economic, social and environmental. It is everyone's problem, not only in the South, but also the North. There is plenty for everyone. The problem of mixed use and enjoyment is not only technological or economic, but also political. You may want to visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City to increase your knowledge. It is believed that the technology solves the problems of development, and entrusts us with this task without question what it means to develop and be developed. We need to rethink the welfare of this consumer society, understand that the welfare of society is not associated with the production and wasteful consumption of energy, but to the rational production and consumption, sufficient and equal to those who populate the earth. Thus we talk in terms of human development, understood as the expansion of capabilities that people can decide their future freely.

This concept is closely linked with access to energy by the relationship between energy consumption and improving indicators of poverty, health, education, etc.. How can progress in this regard? In the interest of sustainability, we must assume that access to energy and its consumption should be respectful of nature and the people who inhabit every environment. But the market can not be dictating the rules of "energy game", they must be agreed with the communities living in areas determined by supply and productive dialogue between local and global wisdom. Second, we must take action. This methodology should be reflected not only in speeches but also Development Cooperation in public policies of States to regulate transnational corporations that exploit the resources and financial institutions that support economic growth processes.