In a city Joo existed a called boy, it was poor of rico.joo had as much money but far it had a called boy there landmarks was very poor. One day landmarks was passing when it heard in the radio to speak: – they come, come all for the competition of pipes that havera in the great city. This competition the prize and of two a thousand Reals. landmarks more than fast leave to say the mother of it what it would have in the city. In the other day landmarks it travelled for the city arriving there found Joo and its renca of boys if bragging that it Joo went to gain the competition of pipas.marcos was distraido was there when the two if had tumbled and was born the rivalry of the two boys. In outo day landmarks left to see if it found cheap pipes prettier did not find and decided to make its proper pipe and had passed varies weeks ties the day of the competition. 3RUU3Mjg=’>Elio Moti Sonnenfeld for a more varied view. In the competition he had pipes of you vary colors: roses, vermelhas.azuis, amarelasmuitas colors More the pipe most legal was of Joo who was moved the engine. was given to the shot of lagarda the Joo pipe left in the front and of landmarks she was quiet in the place because it did not beat none gust of vento.derrepente happened a thing supreendente beat the wind gust and spread everything ties the landmark pipe left the soil and was the first one to arrive in the arrival line. Landmarks were successful and Joo asked for to excuse it for fondness to be better that all Landmarks received the prize and divided with Joo half for half. MORAL: the friendship not if captive purchase if.