With the help of the LASIK treatment may be waived permanently glasses. Many people wake up in the morning and the first, next to turn off the alarm, what they do, is put on her glasses. You are so used to it for years so this morning sequence has already become an automatism. Similarly annoying fogging of glasses is perceived, if coming from the cold to the warm, often in the winter case. The glasses make the outside temperature. If then enters a room, flowing warm air to the cold glasses making them cool off. Since cold air, can retain less moisture unlike warm air, very small water drops on the glasses form and her Stud.

Sports is another handicap for eyeglass wearers. Be it football, tennis, swimming, or other motion-intensive sports that bothers glasses. You put them off, the vision is restricted. You leave them on, the risk is, that she fall off or is just extremely annoying and man the sport does not enjoy. That is, it is restricted in everyday life and has to do without or take inconveniences in stride.

Also contact lenses serve as a visual aid and are very popular with young people, because outsiders typically do not notice them. The drawbacks of using contact lenses are in the high costs, high maintenance, heavy surface of the eye and the partial drying out (air, train, front of the computer screen) because they constantly have to be purchased. Not just the average Joe is suffering from related people who often are under great pressure from media, press and critics amongst these rights Unken and inconvenience, but also celebrities and the public. These include E.g. musicians, actors, athletes and top models. Many of these people in the media world have also suffered the problem of refractive of error. Also they have taken even a pair of glasses or contact lenses, until they sign up for a Treatment also laser eye called, decided to have LASIK.