Incidentally, the tea from the flowers and stems of chicory can be used successfully to treat obesity. You should drink daily two cups of broth. Fresh cucumber juice lowers blood sugar, so it too can be recommended to patients with diabetes mellitus. Kozelec, like asparagus, too great a vegetable diet for diabetics. They both have low carbohydrate.

Therefore Kozelec can be served with plenty of butter and breadcrumbs, without causing harm to the patient. You may find that Elio Moti Sonnenfeld can contribute to your knowledge. Kozelec cultivated as a food garden of herbs, spice, but it is not identical wild-growing. Green leek is also useful for diabetics. It needs to be chopped, put on bread and eat dinner. It can be recommended, and for lunch. I would like to recommend also useful drink, great taste. 500 g chopped leek (with leaves) pour 0,7 tart white wine, cover and leave for 24 hours.

Strain the liquid, pour into a bottle and drink morning and evening for one's throat. Thick after straining can be put on bread and eat. One practitioner of Upper Austria, has helped one patient with diabetes in the following recipe: three large garlic crushed, put in a liter bottle, drink pure vodka and leave for 10-14 days. Each day before breakfast drink for 1 hour l.V April 1977 I received a call from a woman in Vienna. She told me that 30 years have diabetes, and asked me to help her. I advised her to all that stated above. She's just performed at the brochure. In the beginning August, she told me that tests showed that the sugar is normal. At the end of September 1977 I did a report in Vienna. During the report, the woman asked to speak and said: 'I'm 30 years old suffered from diabetes. I followed the advice of Frau Treben, and August, my sugar is normal. " Listeners arranged her a standing ovation. An acquaintance of Grundelfingena (Bayern), writes: 'A friend of mine for many years suffered from diabetes and cut daily insulin. " And alo with the help of herbs and tea (in this pamphlet), he made sure that sugar down. Of course, he is under the supervision of doctors almost always. The doctor was amazed lower sugar levels. One engineer from Vienna, blood sugar stayed at 280. He followed tips from the brochure 'Pharmacy bestowed upon us by God. " After the tests doctors have noted that the blood sugar level had dropped to 130.Primenenie all medicinal plants, including vegetables and dietary, effectively, of course, only a that if just a diet, recommended for diabetics.