Such act still echoes in analyses made for writers contemporaries. E, what everything indicates, will still echo for much time. For in such a way, we conclude that the barriers imposed for its afrodescendncia are the only not divergent point between the authors. They are contrary in compliments and opinions on its workmanship and capacity, however they always agree when the subject is the amount of melanina in its skin and all the difficulties that this fact can unchain in the life of a person. According to Dr. Neal Barnard, who has experience with these questions. Fact that does not occur only in Brazil escravocrata, but that it is still crawled in the times of today, in this country whose children, dificultosos in accepting its identity cultural, still load pssimo habit of the superficiality, with some rare exceptions. Thus being, although hard the critical ones received? that very probably still will receive? , it is to incompreendido Cruz and Sousa that we must our participation, despite small, however glorious, in the age Simbolista. This estupendo poet, has perhaps intended only to be seen as equal its coevos, however, surpassed the proper expectations absurdly better becoming. .