During the main season (1 June – 15 October) exceed the costs for seniors, persons under 25 years and passengers have the ISIC cards around 490 euros, for Adults about 547 euros. In the low season, the pass costs 307 and 341 euros. Here are a few of the 450 municipalities of that be departed from CanRail pass: start your trip in Vancouver, British Columbia. BC is called also Canada’s left coast page, due to its geographical location and the policy. Filled with hippies, IT yuppies, punks and artists Vancouver is the epicenter of the country’s environmental and social activism. A visit to Stanley Park you missed never hang them rum to the lost lagoon or spend an afternoon on Granville Iceland and exploring colourful markets, go to the beach of at English Bay and forget not Gastown and Chinatown! Vancouver is the gateway to Vancouver Iceland, the Gulf Islands, the Sunshine Coast and Seattle. Halifax, Nova Scotia is a beautiful university town known for art and nightlife.

Most sights are walking distance, including the Citadel, point pleasant Park, public gardens, Pier 21 and the Titanik cemetery and the historical city centre. Take time to explore the lighthouse route, rugged coastlines following the Halifax South shore through fishing villages, including the famous Peggy’s Cove and the postcard perfect Lunenberg village. Visit Churchill in Manitoba: a natural paradise. Churchill has three seasons: birds, bears and beluga (Beluga). This subarctic paradise is the world capital and these majestic animals can polar bear during October and November in their natural habitat are observed. In the summer months, you can observe the belugas or dive with them and hundreds of species of birds with beautiful Gefiedern are all year round to look at. Churchill is one of the best accessible places to see Aurora Borealis in all its glory, and it is a great place for sledding, snowmobiling and other northern adventure. Over 350 km from the nearest international airport, Alberta, Jasper is a hidden jewel of the Canadian Rockies.

With over 1200 km of paths for hiking, camping, horseback riding, mountain biking and an evening walk, Jasper, is a playground of peaks, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, canyons, guided tours, a world-class ski resort, hot Habitat for thousands of species untouched springs, glaciers and almost 11 000 km. Grizzlies, wolves and caribou. The municipality of Jasper is a small, sleepy village, where even wild animals can stiff through the streets. The main industry is tourism, due to its hidden location Jasper is quite pricey and crowded not with crowds. So it is a good destination for backpackers, families and travelers with a work visa. Tips for a travel on Rails by Canada taking your lunch packages with: VIA Rail offers two kinds of food in most of the trains: dining car fare and tuck shop food. Both offerings are overpriced and not even particularly good, so wrapped up many foods as stock. Can relax, a trip on the train has its rhythm and take advantage of. Visit the panoramic sky car and enjoy views of breathtaking landscapes, include wild animals, or admire the sunrises and sunsets. Meet other travellers in the lounge, asking questions to your next destination, initiate compartment a card game with your neighbors or see a film screening in the Cafe section. More than just a “on board experience” is to travel by train in Canada, it is already a journey, so track your legs and experience it for yourself! HostelsClub wishes you good journey through Canada!