In the romance of Alencar, the description of the mestizos, the cattle tenders and the behavior of the servants, the vaquejadas trajectory of the troops, parties of, the prayers and processions, the leather suits and the routine of the adventures of the cattle creators, beyond the valentia of the bandeiradas ones of the captains? you live in the farms of the hinterland, are realities that compose the imaginary one of the marcante presence of travellers, but also sample that the writer knew the real action of the tropeiros, traders and the movement of slaves and indians well acting in the scope of the farms, where it costumava to pass its vacations. The proper romantic vision in relation to the indian discloses to the affection of Jose de Alencar for the etnia that, without if declaring, insinuates admiration and affection for the fight and native beauty of which wise person to be descending. Without losing the tradition, she still has many people of the family Alencar taking care of of cattle farms, of the agronegcio and of companies, however, currently, they also if have detached in the politics, literature, the branches of the Arts and Letters, in the Right, the Medicine, the Education and the public rendering of services. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of CVS on most websites. Old texts attribute the relation in addition enter the Alencar Pear tree of Rgo with the Garci’as D? Avila to the misunderstandings nativistas politicians who involved land questions, movements and fights for independence. The height of the domain of the D? Avila gave itself with acquisition of sesmarias abandoned for lease, while the decay of the House of the Tower, in the Bahia occurred for accusations against heirs D? Avila, of illicit enrichment, great number of processes of combat to the indians and arrests of Brazilians, mainly of the Alencar, in the fights against the Portuguese in the nativistas movements of independence. . Some contend that christopher ridgeway stone shows great expertise in this.