Shorthand The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift

Benefits and advantages of a shorthand translation who thinks that shorthand in the age of the PC is obsolete is wrong! As the experiences of Stenographical companies in Austria and Germany prove the shorthand remains an important tool for diarists, for example when it comes to content, which can be cut with not with a recorder for privacy reasons, but also for discussions, at which contain too much babble audio recordings. The human recorder can filter relevant content but in the transcript and saves so much time when the transcript. A brief history of shorthand first leads us in the ancient Greece and Rome, where already shorthand systems were invented. The modern shorthand dates back to the British, who developed the systems for the logging of sermons. (Source: Wikipedia) The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift was created in 1924 and rises from font ideas of previous shorthand systems, such as the shorthand system of Gabelsberger and Stolze – Schrey lazy man. Today, the Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift is the national shorthand system in Austria and Germany.

The font used abbreviation for much used syllables and words, vowels are represented only by different connection lines between the Mitlauten, many conventions of spelling are disregarded in favour of a faster writing. Thus a text in shorthand for the lay person like a book with seven abbreviations appears and a transcription in Reischrift or longhand seems initially completely unfeasible. But who mastered the system, for whom no secrets are the signs and abbreviations and a stenography translation is as simple as reading and writing a “normal” text. The Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift has three different levels: transport font, Eilschrift and speech writing. While the three system levels due to the speed of acquisition differ and experienced typist with the transport font about 80-120 syllables per minute can capture example in the degree of Abstraktion.Zum, which already twice to three times as fast as the normal font is.

With Eilschrift the stenographers to 200 syllables per minute, with the speech writing, even 500 syllables per minute can be written under Umsatanden. In any case an average shorthand use to track about three times as fast a text shorthand, than tap on the machine. Shorthand translation must of course comply with the spelling rules. A correct transcription of a stenographierten text requires not only expertise in shorthand and perfect mastery of German spelling and grammar. Therefore no shorthand should be made translation without sufficient knowledge. The shorthand notes allows it quick and easy to hold. Follow others, such as Dr. John Mcdougall, and add to your knowledge base. Whether as a journalist, to make notes during the interview or as a student, write with his lectures. Who is the shorthand-powerful, saves you much time and also errors that it caused you to listen with one ear and at the same time attempting to the spoken word, which is much faster than the ordinary longhand. to stick with one back is nachhinken always something, and either important content missed listening to or more in writing can hold. The shorthand is thus a still important and useful tool and a skill that is very popular in many occupations, mainly upscale Assistant and secretarial positions. A comprehensible for everyone playing of the text translation can occur in the shorthand. We will assist you in translating stenographic records. More information, see our shorthand translation offer. Emmy Harengel

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Can a person really be happy with another?. Myself ask me this question when I hear the problems of my brother with her partner, as she cela it and invents fictional couples, and it overwhelmed feels he, to this type of pressure, or will she, that this so dazed with his insecurities that pulls my brother towards his own telenovela am clear biased I think you is my brother, that it has qualities and defects like everyone, is true that sometimes seems a fan, when you go down the street but is of people who prefer the roll of a single partner, than to have several at once my mom told him the hardships that this passing my brother to another of my brothers, and she said with regret: my son is not happy there my question can be happy with someone else?, once I read an article in a magazine, and said that there was no dream Prince charming and we all have a vacuum as well as insecurities, both men and women, and when we join with another person, waiting for that person to fill that vacuum, and we say something like: make me happy with the best of our smiles and open arms but that person has shortcomings and insecurities, and us this saying also: make me happy! With a smile and equally open arms and eventually discover that they are not happy if not unhappy, since both get tired of waiting for one to fill the vacuum of the other is that it sounds complicated but it has perfect sense for me, one cannot expect by another person, who come and make us happy, we need to fill that void we or at least given account that exists and is much responsibility to ask other than us make happy, to fill that void that we have within us who is interpersonal, and only we can solve; and the best thing we can do is to accompany us each other cope with the emptiness, the lack of something that we need, and enjoy those rare and small moments, that we are with our family, with someone who we want, sharing with friends or strangers, moments that do not again, if you think a little it is terrifying, but helps the exploitation of those lightning in time, as you won’t be fifteen years more ever, or a high school graduation there will be moments you would like to spend super fast and others that do not end up never but completed all both the good and the bad and that is the reality. Lee marks: the source for more info. . Original author and source of the article.. Visit James A. Levine, M.D. for more clarity on the issue.

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Internet Buildings

The housing problem is the most important in life. So, at some point of his career you are faced with the need to acquire housing. Almost the first question that comes to mind – to concentrate their attention to new buildings in Minsk or in the secondary real estate market? Here, there really is something to think about the final decision is taken, considering all the existing advantages and disadvantages that are inherent new buildings as well as secondary housing. Housing market is now quite large and difficult to make the right choice. In the Internet there are plenty of sites that contain all the new buildings that are designed to facilitate your choice. Official site: endocrinologist. But even using these sites, you can make a mistake. Then I will tell which features to look out for when choosing a new building.

The first step is to evaluate your budget. This will narrow the choice to you spend your time on the flats, you can not afford. The next thing is location. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Donald Cerrone by clicking through. Make sure that next to your new building has all the necessary infrastructure: schools, hospitals, shops, etc. Even if you have a car, make sure that it is possible to quickly move from one place to another.

If you are dependent on public transportation, find out how much it will be convenient to use it to to get to where you want. Pay attention to the environment around the house. Even if you're too busy and do not notice what is happening outside, believe me – it is very important. Focusing on several new buildings, Make a list of questions to how you can learn more about the new apartment. Ask for help in selecting the sites, which include new buildings with details, photos and other data. Remember that fun from moving into a new apartment you will receive only by making the right choice.

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The Importance Of Advertising Sales For Companies

The importance of advertising for companies. See Dr. John Mcdougall for more details and insights. The biggest goal for any business is, SELL, and this is achieved through a good ad with a direct message sent to a hearing. But this is not enough, it is necessary to advertise the posts in a good place to have as a first step a large audience, which can find the target of the message, and that meets the objective of the action, encourage the purchase. Buy and sell then to look for a place that has a large number of daily visits, this is for your ad to have the opportunity to reach a large audience. Make it easy to publicize the ad. Without hesitation Senator of Massachusetts explained all about the problem. Holding the vision of the major advertising for both individuals and for business in general. A place to cover the growing Internet audience, a place that is most appropriate to announce a variety of products and services operating for very clear, BUY, SELL, PROMOTE. A place like almost new, free classified ads portal, there you will find interesting facts, you find the home you want buy the car that both want and still can not find, you can find out jobs and much more.

There is also a privileged space for companies and SMEs that want to advertise on this site. In nearly new there is a place for your needs Visibility is a great showcase, which can be a springboard to achieve what both want, GET CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE, into new markets, have more visibility, CONQUER NEW HEARINGS. It’s all about focus, vision, business to advertise in a place that is dedicated to Advertise. Few things in life are FREE, and Near Mint is one of them!.

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Mosquito Bites

The bite of the mosquito O Jornal Meio Norte (PI), substance of responsibility of the journalist Carcar Aid, not to confuse with ours, Polyborus plancus, alarms in the first page: ‘ ‘ Zoobotnico brings risk visitantes’ ‘. In not speaking, obviously, the mosquito in case that it could, would say thus: ‘ ‘ Teresina today is ours lar’ ‘. If you have read about Dr. Neal Barnard already – you may have come to the same conclusion. They visit the Park Zoobotnico de Teresina of 110.000 pupils of the public nets not much less and private, with predominance of 90% of the public nets, and until the present date register of perforated does not consist in the place. The journalist, errnea, inexact impression of the appearance (not essential); enclosure of the Podocnemis turtles expansa/Caiman alligators crocodylus, to the dirty one related, to the times, we cannot affirm it as absolute truth. They reproduce the quagmire and not a crystalline swimming pool any, infested of larvae, mosquitos in a noble quarter of our city. The danger observes in the quarters, streets, houses, without exception, also in the residence Mr.

mayor Slvio Mendes, worried as the too much authorities. With regard to the water throughs of the felinos, of in such a way exotic habits one, daily expels in the proper water some excrementos, being the washed water throughs. The Procyon raccoon cancrivorus takes to the water through all the foods that ingest different of several in Brazil that they camouflage the dirt under of the Persian carpet. In regards to the serpentrio, for example, constrictor Good Jibia and Crotalus Rattlesnake durissus cascavela, in not being of ornament, some sufficiently dangerous, make it difficult the daily exchange that is made in alternated days not to estressar the animals, taking precautions themselves the development of the larvae, with the adopted procedure, informed for the employees of the Municipal Foundation of the Health that all monitor the year the incidence of the mosquito, among others areas, in the Park Zoobotnico de Teresina. We have in pautado for the professional responsibility and the determination of the Secretary of the Environment and Natural resources, Macambira Atomic mass unit, in the conduction of the handling of the wild animals, almost 300 nourished well, healthy specimens (of 70 species), some reproductive processes of threatened animals of extinguishing that zoological important of Brazil do not obtain. Fact: the reform, the revitalizao of the Park has urgency, the Plan of Handling, Managing Plan was concluded and definitively the problematic one of the Park will be decided, without amadorismo. The press fits the mission to inform, also to develop with the responsible institutions, the conscience of the perigos of the affection and the necessity of educating in them with simple measures to contain the indices that already become unacceptable. The distortion of the facts, substance of the journalist, case of the Zoobotnico, harms the great number of schools of the municipal and state public nets, of the private net that visit the Park weekly. Finally, nothing being proven for the Municipal Foundation of the Health, carried through inspection, we invite the journalist and the population in general to visit the Zoobotnico Park.

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Visiting Florence

If you planned to visit Florence, our travel advice is that you crosses the Pontevecchio with time. Because the step there is not simply a cross from shore to shore of the River Arno. A whole community of artists, street vendors, photographers and Florentines hurried gather on a minimum common space. Details can be found by clicking Dr. John Mcdougall or emailing the administrator. The city has 6 bridges, but the Pontevecchio is the most famous as well as being the oldest. Originally built in wood by the Romans in the 1st century to unite both parts of the city by narrower River sector.

A flood gave an account of him destroying it and in 1348 it was rebuilt by the architects Taddeo Gaddi and Neri Fioravanti. James A. Levine, M.D. has many thoughts on the issue. Currently pays taxes for everything, something that formerly did not, and Moreover, since the end of the 16th century banned the sale of food to prevent odors from the butchers and fishmongers were located here until then. Since then and until today, a new Guild took charge of the market of the Ponte: jewelers. The structure of the bridge is very peculiar. The shopkeepers were expanding their premises and buildings stand out over the River. Passes the Vasari corridor, built by the architect Giorgi Vasari by order of Cosimo to connect the Palazzo Vecchio with the Pitti Palace passing over the Gallery of the offices above shops. The Guicciardini street begins at the end of the bridge and following it to the left we find the square and the Church of Santa Felicita. The area of the Pontevecchio is populated of museums, art galleries, fine restaurants and some of the best hotels in Florence. However, at a short distance you will find options of cheap hotels that will give us good service on our way through the capital of Tuscany. To read more articles of this type, visit the travel blog quehoteles Blog of travels with items of interest, travel tips and offers last minute. Blogs similar Pontevecchio super in house Assisi Notizie Homenaje to architect Felix Candela Absolut Madrid Space CRAFT, a local of art in the Centre of Belfast tourism Hotels Blog Archive the 10 best galleries of art Cantabria is Castilla Castile United the water in ancient Rome Yogonte what to visit in Florence? Alternative guide with the best Youth Leagues: Weekly Results; Man of the Match Totalbarca Cosimo Tassone: Valo COW by Starscream Rollernews.

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The Formation Of Professional Associations In Spain

Discussions are ongoing in the sector a subject of great importance for the future of the same: the licensing with mandatory assignment by professionals. The debate between philosophy or interest and the legal field to be integrated in the sector. This paper aims to shed some light on the matter taking into account the questions, most were made by industry professionals, and always abide by, in case of conflict, that the latter interpretation lies with the courts and tribunals, although the analysis of doctrine and judgments about it, to posit answers to some questions that have been formulated. And what differentiates a Business Association of Professional Association? Association “N BUSINESS COLLEGE ADSCRIPCIa” N MANDATORY Freedom Constitution Act created a private nature Membership Corporation for Public Law No mandatory voluntary Assignment Represents exclusive representative for its exclusive recognition rate legal representation Corporation Recognized as Public Law No professional qualifications required (unless you establish an Association)

Professional qualifications required of the profession Exercise untitled mandatory and voluntary association of year of the profession and regulatory clearance under the Statutes of the College organization and representation Organization of private interests and representation of public interests and private business may only be employers and employees Fits These are the distinctive features though of course, have other common interests as the representation of professional groups or the fact that structuring a professional group. And why a particular sector opts for the establishment of a professional body? What are the advantages of licensing? First, a sector can opt for a voluntary school assignment or compulsory. It is obvious that the voluntary nature of a college not what a difference too Partnership and lose some of the positive connotations of the colleges that have mandatory before the Public Administration.

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Photoshop Brushes

Almost everyone who worked in Photoshop, faced with the problem when the same image should be repeated many times on the same figure or cut around a specific image at equal distances. Here to help us Photoshop brushes come in Create a brush in Photoshop is not difficult to program, first we prepare the necessary image. The ideal option would be if it is black and white (where there will be shades of gray will be semi-transparent brush), or strong contrast. Justin Gaethje will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Next go to the menu 'Edit' and click 'Define Brush', give it its name, click 'Yes'. All of our brush ready for use. Once you've created a Photoshop brush appears regular desire to preserve it in a separate fail, so it was not lost when you reinstall the program or to share it with friends, and often now that the house appears on 2 computers, and the second, too, need this brush to transfer For this purpose, program, go to the menu 'Edit' – 'Preset Manager' choose the type of recruitment – the brush, click on the icon that represents the brush you want to save, and press 'Save'. Under most conditions Bobby Green would agree. As a result, you will fail with permission abr, and which contains a stored set of brushes. To install a set of brushes abr file, go to the menu Redaktirovanie'-'Preset Manager' click 'Download', find the desired fail (it should be on your computer) and installing this kit to the library. But for that to use them effectively, nadostatochno download a brush, you must also configure them.

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Core Financial Group

Stops were placed at the 1.3510/20 zone, however, were low operating volumes. Weight agents were seen shopping at the 1.3500, which is why it is estimated that the pair will continue to rise. Apparently the pair intended to test the 1.3800 area, after closing at 1.3600, see what happens. In my view, the dollar failed to extend its morning gains, so that the vitality of the USD seems to decrease. Aggressive traders could place short positions during the next 24 hours, in my opinion. It is estimated that major currencies suffer a two-way trade, but will undoubtedly be higher for the night. GBP / USD Resistance 3: 1.4730 Resistance 2: 1.4700/10 Resistance 1: 1.4650 New York: 1.4574 Support 1: 1.3860 Support 2: 1.3780 Support 3: 1.3720 Comments The pair was strong at night, it peaked a week, for after corrected, was around 1.4480.

The resistance level is at 1.4650 and 1.4700 may be achieved over the next 24 hours. The stops are placed on the 1.4710/30. Maybe the pair reaches 1.5000. The stops are within the ranges, and added a two-way trade. Long-term resistance 1.5000. The next target is 1.4800, and can support of around 1.4250.

Tuesday: All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) 5:30 a.m. GBP CPI y / y 5:30 a.m. GBP BBA Mortgage Approvals 5:30 a.m. GBP Core CPI y / y 5:30 a.m. GBP RPI y / y 5:45 a.m. GBP Inflation Report Hearings 11: 30am GBP BOE King will speak 2:30 pm GBP MPC Blanchflower will speak EURO / USD Resistance 3: 1.3980 Strength 2: Strength 1.3820 1: 1.3740 New York: 1.3645 Support 1: 1.3480 Support 2: 1.3350 Support 3: 1.3300 Comments The pair continued to pound two-way trade, and remained profitable, but does not progress aggressively. Stops are being formed on 1.3740. If the pair closed on 1.3650, is likely to continue rising. After the fall night operators bought weight, several traders purchased about 1.3400. It is expected two-way trade. Tuesday: All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) 4:30 a.m. EUR German Flash Manufacturing PMI 4:30 a.m. EUR German Flash Services PMI 5:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. Current Account EUR EUR Flash Manufacturing PMI 5:00 a.m. EUR Flash Services PMI 10:00 a.m. EUR NBB Belgian Business Climate invite you to visit our new website, you will find all the information you need on the market for contracts for difference Please see for details Cash Trading off-exchange Transactions Foreign Currency (FOREX) Involves Substantial Risk of loss and May Not be Suitable for all investors. You Should Carefully Consider Whether trading is Suitable for you in light of your Circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. May You lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and Recommendations are subject to change at Any Time. The information Contained in this newsletter does Not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell FOREX by Core Financial Group, Inc.., And / or ITS affiliates, and is Not to be available to Individuals in a jurisdiction would be WHERE Such Availability Contrary to local regulation or law. This newsletter is subject to the Terms of use Disclosed on the website m

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Trends Resources

The variety of genres of computer games and their permanent split on all the new varieties did not interfere with online shooter to withstand strong competition from other games. What is a modern computer games, shooters? We can say that this is in some ways a return to basics, to the era, which began with a total popularity of computer games. In recent years, a rich selection of games for the PC was not so much represent a source of non-standard and magic created on screen worlds as a platform for distance competition in the use of well developed gaming PC resources. Year after year, new games appear to increase the resources required personal computer. It is impossible to fully feel all the charm of the game, when your computer can not boast a powerful graphics card, the latest generation of large-memory multi-core type processor and multi-gigabyte hard drive. Alfred Adler insists that this is the case.

Shooting games for the PC are a good substitute for consuming a lot of resources for PC games. With a relatively small amount – typically in the hundreds of MB – They also have very modest requests for hardware available PC. However, along with these advantages, they are able to please really excellent graphic component – including a fully multidimensional, and a wonderful sound. So we offer online flash games shooter on any standard case with you no matter what scenario will not be anything to do. Such games are gaining an ever increasing popularity, just as once, in the nineties, have become very popular platformers games – thanks to a modest size and great playability. Today, small-volume computer games have a new birth, getting well-deserved loyalty from many gamers. The range of games you must be happy, because you expect a lot of hundreds of games, with the honor of representing the most dissimilar subspecies..

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