Month: January 2018

Shoulder Injuries

The syndrome of the impact in the shoulder, represents one me the adaptation to estresses repetitive of one or more activities. This me the adaptation can be structural, functional, or both. Any bone, joint, dynamic neuromusculotendinosa unit, that acts in the waist to escapular or, exactly, the static fibrocartilaginosos stabilizers to articulate, can be implied. Although problems ' ' isolados' ' , as the tendinopatia of the rotador manguito, can occur, is very common that some functional structures and mechanisms are involved, as, bursa subacromial and the tendo of the long portion of the biceps. ' ' tpica' ' injury for extreme use of the shoulder, is, therefore, a composition of some alterations, also with one or more structural injuries, muscular disfunes and imperfections in compensatory mechanisms, each one of which implying in the other. On the basis of the evidence, does not exist an only mechanism of injury for impact, but yes an ample variety of specific factors for the morphologic characteristics and the load history to articulate of each individual.

The patologias of impact, are fit in two ample categories based on the age. The impact in people with less than 35 years of age, is mentioned, habitually, to the sports (former. swimming, handebol, aquatic polar region, baseball, goleiro) or to the occupations (former. carpenter, painter), that they involve extensive movements above of the head. The individuals most aged have greater probability to suffer the effect from the degenerative processes, that result in the formation of ostefitos, adelgaamento to capsular, minor muscular tecidual and hipotrofia perfuso.

All sport that requests the abduo of the shoulder above of 90, results, in the majority of the cases, injury to acrmio-clavicular for repetition. The fall on the shoulder in the soil, the direct trauma, mainly, in the lateral region, also is causes of this injury in the sport. The impact, and the consequent attrition and degeneration of the manguito occur against the edge Antero-inferior of the acrmio during the previous rise of the superior member.

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World Health Organization

Old-age provision with nutrients is scientifically proven and practical fitness and health in old age are not self-evident. They are usually the result of healthy lifestyle, prevention and optimal supply of nutrients such as vitamins, trace elements and minerals. This specific type of pensions paid high returns in the form of physical and mental fitness. An optimal supply of a brain of certain nutrients of special significance to be seems to preserve the mental fitness and prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Current research results indicate. MemoVitum tablets contain a specific set of nutrients, which have demonstrated their suitability in scientific studies to the nutritional pensions.

Up-to-the-minute research revealed an always better picture about the importance of vital substances, such as certain vitamins, to preserve and promote the spiritual fitness. British and American researchers in their studies have focused on the Group of B vitamins. They noted a deficiency in these vitamins can lead not only to a limitation of the mental fitness, but is also accompanied by a shrinking of the brain (cerebral atrophy) as a result of the loss of nerve cells. With the long-term administration of individual B vitamins, succeeded to stop the development of research teams and increase the mental capacity of the persons concerned. On closer inspection is to ask whether a more complex operation such as the control of brain function only of the B vitamins is dependent however.

Even though they play an important role, other nutrients on the workings of the brain are involved. Here, a broader approach is required, which takes into account the needs of older people in vital substances. Researchers of the World Health Organization (WHO) from Canada already implement this approach a few years ago. You could show with their studies that the memory performance by the intake of certain nutrients is tricky! Older people, who for a year given a cocktail of vitamins, trace elements and mineral substances consumed, showed a significantly better mental fitness than those who did not.

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Ensure Beautiful Hair

The skin is maintained from the outside and built on it must be not a nutritionist by our daily food, to conjure up a healthy and delicious diet, which at the same time positively affects a beautiful skin, on the table. Many unilateral diets usually negatively affect our bodies. The skin is maintained from the outside, but fed and rebuilt it is by our daily food. Our digestive system, raises the food and our blood circulation puts you in the places where they are needed in each skin cell. At the same time the blood absorbs the reducing substances, transmits them to the detoxification in the liver and kidney and takes over the disposal. The smoother this down and construction work, we become the more beautiful. The man has an average 100,000 hairs. A hair falls off at the latest after six years and makes a new place.

For strong hair to grow, which are firmly anchored in the scalp, body building and important tools in the form of vitamins needed and Trace elements. The basic substance of the hair is protein. Omega-3 fatty acids provide a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. A low-carbohydrate diet (low carb) ensures a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, beef, eggs, flax seed, etc.) The hair root cells belong to the Division most active cells of the human body, and require a high metabolic rate, which requires many nutrients such as vitamins and trace elements. As the bodies of many of these substances can form no depots, he must take them in sufficient amounts through the diet. What is a low carb (such as diabetes) diet? -William Banting wrote the first book on low carb.

The low carb diet form”ensures plenty of vitamins and protein. The low-carbohydrate diet reduces the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. This diet is very long. There are provable studies since the year 1940, that you could cure a variety of diseases by a low-carbohydrate diet can. Finally, there are books that even the layman understands well readable low carb. The authors convey with their books and press releases on the net motivation pure and clean up with old prejudices. Take the fear of a low-carbohydrate diet based on many scientific reports by nutrition researchers. Those who know her books, quickly realizes that there are also many recipes, and to add variety to your diet can. The authors have succeeded in a few pages to explain clearly the basic principle of the low carb diet. Given the explosion of health care costs everyone should remember, what he can do for his health. To find more info about diabetes and low carb and bowel disease, in the books of authors of Sabine Beuke and Jutta Schutz. Company information: Jutta Schutz (journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (diabetes, low-carb). Learn more

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Rectal Cancer

The cancer is a chronic degenerative illness, that must be dealt with throughout the life the patient, investigating itself returns and metstases. The rectum cancer (final part of the intestine) is more common between the men, to the step that the cancer of CLON or thick intestine affects men and women. uma treatable and frequently curable illness when located in intestine (without extension for other agencies) .Risk Factors: Age above of 40anos; tobaccoism, alcoholism, familiar history of cancer of clon and rectum; former personal history of cancer ; diet with high content of fat, calcium meat and low text; obesidade and sedentarismo. Also the chronic ulcerativa retocolite (chronic inflammation of the thick intestine) and Illness of Cronh (chronic illness inflammatory intestinal), some hereditary conditions (Polipose Adenomatosa Familiar (FAP) and Hereditary Colorretal Cancer without Polipose A rich diet in fruits, vegetables, staple fibres, calcium, poor in fats, and the practical one of physical exercises. People with more than 40 years must submit themselves annually to the examination of occult research of blood in excrements.

SYMPTOMS: Individuals above of 40 years with anemia, pain and abdominal discomfort, abdominal mass, nauseas, vomits, melena (pastosas excrements, of I smell ftido and of color of the tar), weakness, tenesmo (painful sensation to defecate), bleeds in the evacuation, change in the intestinal habit, for example: intestines that function well, daily and suddenly are desregulados, diarrias daily ouconstipao. DIAGNOSIS: The use of the toqueretal, the retossigmoidoscopia, and the colonoscopia an important characteristic in the development of the CCR is that a precursory injury of the called cancer POLYP, delay some years to changed itself, what it is enough time for its removal before the transformation. In accordance with a.C.Camargo Hospital, patients after the 40 years of age, with raised risk, but without familiar history, must carry through the colonoscopia to each 5 years. TREATMENT: The surgery, removing the next part of the affected intestine and linfonodos to this region. Many tumors of the rectum are dealt with surgeries that PRESERVE SPHINCTER ANAL, through the use of the STAPLERS, thus preventing the COLOSTOMIAS (opening in the abdominal wall for where they pass to be eliminated the gases and excrements) and the use of collecting stock markets. The x-ray associated or with the chemotherapy is not used to diminish the possibility of the return of the tumor (RETURN) When the illness is spread, with metstases for the liver, lung or other agencies, the cure possibilities diminish. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS: The patient is common to show a depressed mood, frustration, impotence, low auto esteem, suicidal ideao, fancies, fear, diffidence, alrgicos sensation of punishment, aggressiveness, damages in the corporal image, dermatological problems, social isolation, nutricionais problems, etc Exist groups of support to the carrier of colostomias, that function in order to ressignificar the new style of life for the patient. Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira /Psic logCRP 06/8495sbischoff@ After grad.por the a.C.Camargo Cancer.

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Said Eleanor Roosevelt

In the courage to deploy the madness, the singularity, from each of which lies the fate of everyone. This healthy madness is thought, and thought is the translation of a tidal energy that allows itself to be. It is then when its force is felt an intangible mass driven with the unequivocal leader of the emotions, passions and dreams. If he stifles them, luck is not see. But we must be honest with themselves: good luck is more brave than of the obedient side. The stifled soul will be a mediocre soul and will run a mediocre luck.

Love and dreams of beauty bring good luck the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Said Eleanor Roosevelt. Consider this observation to dream and then wake up and lie to walk. A singular life, which ambicione shall be prepared to discover his own first uniqueness which nothing to let surprise and be carried away by their own circuits like a butterfly in flight. When this does not occur, arises the caprice, the stubbornness, mistrust, envy, cynicism, resignation. Anything less love.

According to Jung, the crowds always feed on psychic epidemics; He said that many things face prejudices or arbitrary ideas and ensured that everyone a transformation is needed. Love produces the most beautiful transformations. You have idea how much love we can annihilate humans? If you already decided to stop running with the current, then it is time to climb on his own boat and undertake your own travel, this magnificent adventure Edward Bach went through and which not coincidentally recommends the whole world also crossing. This exciting trip only is It undertakes with the help of one’s self, with the impulse of desire and the direction of sincerity. Then fit the question: you s-i-n-c-e-r-a-m-e-n-t-e-aspire to good luck? Do yourself the favor of thinking before responding.

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Dimension Body And Space

The paradigm are on a slope within the confrontation in the fight of the like take better advantage of movements that our personal style sets without the need to alter the order of preset for the majority of those who are confronted taking a tendency to perform a same pattern of attack, as well perhaps the answer is much closer than we thinkWe refer to the dimensions in body and space. When we locked us in a single plane of fighting we are engaged in a particular line of attack as well as certain signs of clashes is by her that with simple displacement mechanism complicates us offensive from both our guards as well as our displacement therefore begin to dominate our environment feeling gradually overwhelmed, as our line of attack is so little visible and so little versatile is easy to make a simple overflow havoc in our scheme of Defense and confrontation. Therefore only by altering that line flat of confrontation and extending it in a without number angle the surface of the body and space may undoubtedly cause sheds and alternatives in order to navigate and reach all this methodical and visionary sense of confrontation our opponent, we call dimensions of body and space. We know that at the time of executing our defense we draw figures on a line (displacement) these attacks (figures) are flat because that only have two dimensions, length and width but we lose an important point within our attacks that estivan in this third dimension of the bodies we call depth. Is why we carry out an attack but do not have the desired results or we receive and do not understand why is happening this situation if surely put technique is running in a correct manner as well many times is that we’re only attacking on two dimensions (length and width) but we lack of effectiveness for this third part of a three-dimensional shape (depth). The depth is important because that on many occasions it determines Since combat not imported back if we have power without depth we will not make it effective, this triad (3 dimensions length, width and depth) geometric conjugations and concepts converges in the manipulation of our movements, to say if at the time of block any movement of our opponent we turn a little moving over its width we conducted another attack but with this we disclose this third dimension depth is obvious that we will have it in our range together with a movement not line but also following this tangent of dimensions on the body and space of our opponents, as well as the displacement is fundamental conjugate with the distance these situations haul to have a controlled confrontation and not to lose the rhythm of sequence which are immersed and we are wrapping to which our opponent. Recalling that martial arts are alive and thereby its evolution at the same time is walking and giving you unexpected and unpredictable turns even for the martial artist. ccessful. We hope that This article has been of your liked.

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Teixeira Neri

The age is one of the factors more important preditores, for Perracini et al, (2009) that et cites Rose al (2003) the relative risk of functional decline increases about two times to each 10 years the most lived. The cognitivo decline with the increase of the age is one of the great concerns of the human being (RELATIVE, 2006). Aged of 80 years or more 25 times of decline of the functional capacity in comparison with aged younger have a bigger possibility. DEFINITIONS OF AGING BEM-SUCEDIDO the aging is defined as a multidimensional process (BALTES & BALTES, 1990). Rowe and Kahn (1998) present three pointers of healthful aging: low risk of illnesses and functional incapacities; mental and physical functioning excellent; active envolvement with the life.

Teixeira Neri (2008) cites that Phelan and Larson (2002) define the well-succeeded aging and identifies the probable pointers of the success. It has different operational definitions emphasizing the functional capacity, the following characteristics also had been considered: satisfaction with the life, longevity, absence of incapacity, domain/growth, active social participation, high functional capacity/independence and positive adaptation. The factors preditores had varied as the authors, being distinguished: raised educational level; practical of regular physical activity; auto-effectiveness sense; social participation and absence of chronic illnesses. In another study on the subject, Depp and Jeste (2006), had demonstrated that it has referring differences to the domnios, independent 0 variable, instruments of measures and ratio of the citizens that had filled the criteria for well-succeeded aging. Relative 2006, quotation that the OMS considers that the concept of quality of life involves three qualities essentials: the fact of if dealing with a concept subjective, multidimensional, and inclusive of positive and negative aspects. Neri (1993) cited by Relative 2006, I defined the oldness usual (or normal), in counterpoint with the pathological oldness. In the usual oldness, physical and/or mental illnesses or objective functional limitations occur or subjective aferveis, however in moderate intensity or have taken the sufficient to cause only partial changes the daily activities.

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