He really feared they could never forgive me for having opposed their views-. -I repeat Tati, the love of parents is a love very strong – contesto le Ruth, and although sometimes we feel wounded by the attitudes of our children, we never leave wanting them to. You’ll see when you have in your arms to yours-. -I do not think that you continue with this pregnancy – you replied Tati. -I’m saying it you really. I’m not ready to have a child-. -No human being is usually ready to have a child, until you have it – replied very sweetly Ruth.

-It is that until you do not touch live that experience, you have no idea of what it means to be parents. It is the most important profession that can give you life-. -It may be, but until I met Sebastian, replied I never had thought of forming a family. All my hopes were focused on my career. You know, was fully convinced that he was going to discover new ways of life and that it was them studied with as much depth and seriousness that the book where capsize all that wealth of knowledge, was going to be a global bestseller? I think this since I was very young, almost a girl. I always dreamed that I would give to biology, a great discovery and that the whole world would be proud of me. That is why I’ve always wanted to be the best student. You had to have good solid and broad knowledge to achieve my dreams.

I never thought about being a mother, not even in marrying me. Just wanted to succeed in my career. Travel around the world to explore it in depth and make my dreams – reality. -If I knew what Ruth retorted, your mother was the first thing you told me when we propose the subject of yours relationship.