Here is discussed in detail a major problem in women – female baldness. In this case women see thinning of your hair. Women suffer from the problem usually after menopause, although it can occur even in adolescence. It may be due to illness, hormonal imbalance or illness. However, the inheritance is the main cause of baldness female in the casosLas most women often resort to various methods including hair transplantation and transplant of follicular units in the case of hair loss.Normally, women tend to lose around 100-125 hairs per day, which is normal.

Women debenacercarse a dermatologist when they see more hair than normal fall. Women hair baldness begins adelgazandose at the top and front of the head. Looks that baldness may genetically come from the family of father or mother. Female baldness can also occur after pregnancy. In some cases is seen later in the major birth control pills. Often it is accompanied by other signs of hormonal imbalance, such as excess hair on the face and body.Female baldness is caused by the presence of a male hormone called testosterone in the body femeninoLa testosterone is caused by androgen hormone. It is a known fact that some women are more sensitive to this hormone than others.

This sensitivity causes thinning of hair on the scalp.In the case of the auto diagnostic hair it is not a good idea. This is because women have a less obvious pattern of baldness. The diagnosis must be performed by a trained and experienced surgeon only. After a diagnosis appropriate by the physician, the patient must undergo adequate treatment. Often the patient is managed Rogaine. Aldactone is another drug that can help many women, especially those who have female baldness after menopause. However it takes months to have any effect. Hair transplant is a popular method surgically, already widely used in the cases of female baldness. Thanks Marco a.