After to have already seen innumerable attacks all type of pages Web, social networks, vestibules of players online, etc. in these days is touching the turn to that young person, but implanted, social network to him that is Twitter. Thus, a malicious application called StalTrak is circulating in this social network on which it has noticed the company of BitDefender security. Additional information is available at Dr. Neal Barnard. The truth is that the tactics of the ciberdelicuentes are not very novel, and already is to us well-known to almost all that we inhabited the social networks, that is to say, to the majority according to all the statistical data that are published. Indeed, the functionality that promotes the aforesaid application consists of allowing to know us who has visited our profile of Twitter. For it, it requests our user and password to us -how no! – and we already have the deceit in march.

In the end, which the application does in fact is to begin to send messages with bonds to the own application, but it does not provide in any case which promised. Therefore, if we have fallen in the trap, we must come with the greater rapidity to change our password so that our account of Twitter continues being that, ours. As we see ciber delinquency works in turns of 24 the 365 hours day of the year, reason why we must continue adopting good practices of security in our daily use of the Network. e topic.. It is the unique form in which we could be safe and to avoid to us more of a worry. udea, Security of the Information Manuel Diaz Sampedro Department of Management of the Security